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Lets stop calling ISIS, Taliban and Al-Qaida, Muslims.

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"The word is derived from the Arabic term kafir (meaning 'disbeliever'), which originally had the meaning 'one without religion'. Portuguese explorers adopted the term to refer to black non-Muslim peoples when they became involved in the Arab slave trade along the Swahili Coast. Later"


There was us thinking that it was Cecil Rhodes who was the bad guy.

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News outlets are just reporting on how these groups self identify. If a man wants to be called a woman they call him a woman, if a woman wants to be called a man they call her a man, if a religious extremist identifies as a Muslim then they are a Muslim. By definition. He believes and follows the Qur'an as HE interprets it. If someone else interprets it differently they can be called a Muslim also of they want.

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Agreed. Anyone who terrorises others can not be a Muslim.


Defining terrorism is the issue.

By stopping someone doing something which does not impinge on anyone else this could be classed as terrorism.

When I see cults trying to impress their views on society I class this as terrorism.

By cults I mean all religions.

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Defining terrorism is the issue.

By stopping someone doing something which does not impinge on anyone else this could be classed as terrorism.

When I see cults trying to impress their views on society I class this as terrorism.

By cults I mean all religions.


Terrorism is the use of violence or the threat of violence by non-state actors for political purposes.

If you call other things terrorism, you're just plain wrong.


By all means criticise them heavily. I do. Calling them terrorists is simply incorrect.

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Defining terrorism is the issue.

By stopping someone doing something which does not impinge on anyone else this could be classed as terrorism.

When I see cults trying to impress their views on society I class this as terrorism.

By cults I mean all religions.


As far as they are concerned they are good Muslims fighting a holy war approved by God and they have the paperwork to prove it.


They don't see themselves as cult terrorists.

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