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Lee Rigbys killer to sue police.

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  • 1 year later...

I feel sorry for Lee Rigby's family, knowing that this person is claiming blood money.

Lee's family should be allowed to make a claim as soon as he gets his compensation for the stress they have caused, it was horrendous how these men murdered Lee, but of course that won't happen.

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It's a tough one. Clearly in this case I'm not going to argue I agree with the claimant, but if we start setting rules about who can and who cannot claim without thought then I think we are setting a dangerous precedent. In any country with the level of freedom and rights we have there are going to be people who take advantage of that, but to remove those rights would negatively affect us all.


For starters, no one should accept the police using a greater level of violence than is required to deal with the situation. Even if that person has committed murder. Because the moment we start saying that the police can have carte blanche when it comes to murder, then what about attempted murder? Serious assault? Shoplifting? Drug abuse? Where do you draw the line? So hopefully we all agree that the police need to be held to account regardless of the crime.


Where the debate lies is around financial compensation. I would support a law that states if the police have been found to have acted correctly with regards to the use of force during an arrest and during any detention then your rights to any claim of compensation are waived and no case will be allowed to be lodged with the courts whether privately or through legal aid. This would stop rich criminals being able to try it on anyway rather than just removing legal aid support. However, if the police have been heavy-handed and this is ruled to be the case by the IPCC or other relevant body then you can indeed make a compensation claim like anyone else.

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