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Lee Rigbys killer to sue police.

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The Straw Man fallacy is committed when a person simply ignores a person's actual position and substitutes a distorted, exaggerated or misrepresented version of that position.


Whoooo exciting! This must mean I am now officially a fully integrated member of SF :hihi:


I normally point people out for doing that and here I am doing it!

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Considering there's been a police investigation, and probably an internal prison service one he's going to have a right old job making his case for compo.


I doubt that is the point. As the British taxpayer will pick up the costs it is just another attack on Britain.

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I couldnt give a hoot if he had his teeth kicked out. What disgusts me is the fact the system allows him to sue .


I still stand by my view when these two wastes of oxygen were convicted , that they should have been handed over to Lee Rigby`s fellow squaddies to let them hand out the appropriate punishment .

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I couldnt give a hoot if he had his teeth kicked out. What disgusts me is the fact the system allows him to sue .


I still stand by my view when these two wastes of oxygen were convicted , that they should have been handed over to Lee Rigby`s fellow squaddies to let them hand out the appropriate punishment .


Have you ever thought about moving to a country like Saudi Arabia? It seems that you'd fit it nicely there.

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Are you are happy to live in a country where people are free to smash their cars into you and then hack you to death.....


Actually we have something here called the Criminal Justice System. That's why the bloke was in prison.


---------- Post added 10-12-2015 at 18:14 ----------


Have you ever thought about moving to a country like Saudi Arabia? It seems that you'd fit it nicely there.


What have the Saudis done to deserve that?

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Restraining procedures carried out correctly do not result in teeth being knocked out, this guys teeth were knocked out due to the crime he committed.


That is not what the investigation found. The perp was responsible for his injuries.

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