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Lee Rigbys killer to sue police.

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I wouldn't want to live in a country where prison officers were free to give beatings to prisoners.

but your happy to live in a country where the police/gov/social services/council are free to turn a blind eye to something that upsets the apple cart :suspect: can I ask why are you still here :huh:

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I wouldn't want to live in a country where prison officers were free to give beatings to prisoners.


RA RA RA let's all show what good people we are by expressing loads of anger and hatred on the internet.


I don't want to live in a country where some piece of human detritus thinks it's fine to run people down and then compound their deed by trying to remove the victims head while still alive with a knife.


Thank goodness we have some sensible folk on this forum who have the courage to express anger and even hatred of the human detritus who did this awful deed, these people are indeed good people.


As for my opinion our law is sometimes an ass, this is one of those times. This filth should just have been told to go forth and multiply, and think himself lucky it was ONLY two teeth and not the whole gobful.



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I'm guessing and as I said a restraint technique carried out correctly should not result in teeth getting knocked out.


---------- Post added 10-12-2015 at 19:19 ----------



He doesn't deserve any sympathy IMO, I suppose he has got many more accidents to come during his time in jail....


I'm guessing you have never tried to use restraint techniques on a violent struggling person.

It all looks good on film/tv but in real life people, both person being restrained and persons doing the restraining tend to suffer some sort of injury.

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I don't want to live in a country where some piece of human detritus thinks it's fine to run people down and then compound their deed by trying to remove the victims head while still alive with a knife.


Thank goodness we have some sensible folk on this forum who have the courage to express anger and even hatred of the human detritus who did this awful deed, these people are indeed good people.


As for my opinion our law is sometimes an ass, this is one of those times. This filth should just have been told to go forth and multiply, and think himself lucky it was ONLY two teeth and not the whole gobful.




okaaaay, I'm not sure how that relates to my post. Are you suggesting I'm somehow condoning what he did?

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I wouldn't want to live in a country where prison officers were free to give beatings to prisoners.


Me neither.


---------- Post added 11-12-2015 at 11:24 ----------


Are you are happy to live in a country where people are free to smash their cars into you and then hack you to death and then they get royal treatment??...


Shame it's just his teeth he lost!


I don't "live in a country where people are free to smash their cars into you and then hack you to death and then they get royal treatment??...".


I live in the UK where people who do that are arrested, charged and imprisoned for their crimes.

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Royal treatment?


I'd be happy to live in a country where everyone was rational and didn't just make up spurious nonsense in order to justify a sentiment.


---------- Post added 10-12-2015 at 20:19 ----------



So you'd have a system whereby prisoners could be abused and do nothing about it.

Not that I think he has been abused, just to be clear.


You'll be living on your own then Cyclone :o

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He will be unrepentant, because he believes he did the right thing.


That is absolutely right, and because of that belief he should not be treated as an ordinary prisoner. Prison can work when the intention of the authorities is to reform and re integrate into society.


I agree with others that a form of supermax has to be created where these people can be "stored". They are never going to be released, we will not use capital punishment again and if these motivated people get into the general prison population the infection of hatred they carry will spread.

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I don't want to live in a country where some piece of human detritus thinks it's fine to run people down and then compound their deed by trying to remove the victims head while still alive with a knife.


Thank goodness we have some sensible folk on this forum who have the courage to express anger and even hatred of the human detritus who did this awful deed, these people are indeed good people.


As for my opinion our law is sometimes an ass, this is one of those times. This filth should just have been told to go forth and multiply, and think himself lucky it was ONLY two teeth and not the whole gobful.




You do live in such a country, I doubt there is any country in the world that has no people at all with warped views. You live in a country in which some people think it is ok to rape, murder, abuse children and assault people. A very small number of people, but se people never the less.


What you are advocating, possibly without realising, is a sort of outlaw system. So you commit a crime and you forfeit tour right to be protected by law. This would be a ridiculous system and one open to horrific abuse. How many crimes would you say should fit in this category.


I understand your anger at the murderer, but try to be sensible.


The investigation showed no evidence of ill treatment, but a citizen has the right to pursue other channels.

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