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Lee Rigbys killer to sue police.

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Its never changed im answering the questions that have been asked of me . Your twisting what myself and other people are saying, your just a troll looking for trouble.


Changes to your 'point' are below in bold, it changes when challenged.


Too many rights


Perhaps their not free to beat prisoners like yesteryear but it will still happen in camera blindspots. Remember some prison officers are ex forces so feelings run high in this case, even so im only guessing the officers involved may well be innocent. One thing im sure most people hate is the fact prisoners are treated far to well these days and have far to many rights.


Shouldn't be able to sue


I can only presume your quite a young person to even ask the question "were officers ever free to beat prisoners" Free is not the right word but what has gone on behind closed doors in the past is beyond belief. Childrens homes, Detention Centres, Borstals, Prisons were all places where sexual and physical abuse was commited.

Most people i have spoken to comment that the rights of prisoners has got a little silly. For instance suing the prison for not being unlocked for church on a Sunday because there was a shortage of officers on duty. Whats up with praying in your cell? This culture of suing prisons and the goverment is getting out of hand.


No im not suggesting this basic right as a prisoner should be taken away. There are genuine scenarios where a prisoner cannot be allowed out of their cell, you can prey anywhere. My opinion is this should not allow a prisoner to sue the goverment as actually happens. Here are other instances, many more can be found http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/weird-news/five-outrageous-prisoner-compensation-claims-3469778


Spurious claims


Nope, but do you think a prisoner should be able to sue for anything whatsoever? If someone came on here claiming they tripped over a matchstick in the street and its the councils fault what would be the reaction? My point is prisoners are suing for things that are out of the control of the authoritys and its causing chaos in the prison system. If this were a cat A prisoner being escorted to county court it has massive implications.
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Changes to your 'point' are below in bold, it changes when challenged.


Too many rights




Shouldn't be able to sue






Spurious claims


As i say your a troll, the comments you point out amount to the same point i make all along & the questions i was asked. Are you working for the Star by any chance? Im an ex Cat A man so i know about prison rights, these rights have changed so much over the years to which i have tried to underline as getting silly which is my view.

Edited by Shabbas
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Its a pity that some prisoner hasnt kicked the rest of them out.


So he lost some teeth whilst being restrained? Well he should not have been acting in a way that required restraining


I think its safe to say that I have no sympathy with him :)


Well said, i also feel the same as you. It seems prison is more of a holiday than any punishment these days.

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As i say your a troll, the comments you point out amount to the same point i make all along & the questions i was asked. Are you working for the Star by any chance? Im an ex Cat A man so i know about prison rights, these rights have changed so much over the years to which i have tried to underline as getting silly which is my view.


No I don't work for The Star.


Prisoners have certain rights, so to protect those rights there will be a process in place to investigate if it's claimed that those rights have been breached. That process will identify spurious claims that will be dismissed. Examples of which were given in the link you provided.


What alternative do you suggest?

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No I don't work for The Star.


Prisoners have certain rights, so to protect those rights there will be a process in place to investigate if it's claimed that those rights have been breached. That process will identify spurious claims that will be dismissed. Examples of which were given in the link you provided.


What alternative do you suggest?


This piece of filth didnt give any regard to poor Lee Rigby`s rights, so please excuse me for not giving a hoot about his rights.

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Interesting thread with some interesting responses.


Prisoners should not have certain rights has been argued by some, so perhaps anyone guilty of a custodial sentence should be executed ? Right to life is one right so if we are removing all rights shouldn't that go ?, or should we keep that one ? However, if we are keeping that one, which ones should be removed ? And who decides which ones ?


Don't get me wrong, I'm not on that particular piece of scums side but I am on the side of UK justice. I appreciate that it's an emotive issue, but if you change the rules for one, you have to change for all.


The UK system of punishment is based on removal of liberty. If you want it to include torture and execution, controversially perhaps, I suggest you move to a country that will more suit your requirements. There are plenty out there :/


As an aside, I'm sure his attempt to sue will come to nothing, but it gets people clicking on the webpages though ;)

Edited by whiteowl
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Why don't you use the correct terminology then ?


I did, your outrage is getting the better of you.


Or does your terrorist sympathising ideology prevent you from doing so ?


So now I have sympathy for Rigby's killer? It's always the same with idiots like yourself, when the argument is lost you resort to sentiments that haven't been made.


I have nothing to fear , I was thinking of a way to avoid the distress caused to terrorist victims such as Lee Rigby's mother .


I very much doubt LR's mother is your prime concern or your motive, but in order to spout your rhetoric you have shown a propensity to use the suffering of others to grandstand your desire to tier the judicial system. You personally are not capable of reducing the distress of Rigby's family, only an egomaniac would think such.

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