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Is it my imagination, or is their growing hatred for the religious?

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The word you are looking for is disdain.



You're quite right.


---------- Post added 10-12-2015 at 23:20 ----------


Quite justified since its a load of nonsense that's responsible for killing millions, suppressing millions more and mind washing billions.


Not even that, although the killing etc isn't helpful. It's more the nonsensical aspect for me.

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As religion is worshiping some being who lives in the clouds somewhere above us (isn't it) and as religion is the base of many of this worlds problems, maybe ALL religion ought to be banned then we could all muddle on together in bliss.




The problem with the world is that there are too many people, simple as that.


Banning religion is absolutely impossible so it's not worth considering. As long as we're 'intelligent' creatures then indoctrination towards sky pixies will always happen.


It helps a lot of people (or so they think) - especially people who have nothing.

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Is it possible to be critical of elements of a religion, in a more objective dispassionate way?


Also, someone was talking about defriending Islamaphopes on FB, and it got me thinking, how does one differnetiate between critisism of Islam, and Islamaphobia? Anyone know?


Do some Muslims just play the Islamaphobe card, in order to deflect any (even legitimate well meaning) critisism of Islam?


---------- Post added 11-12-2015 at 00:37 ----------


Something I noticed as well. Not sure it's hatred, but hostility and intolerance to all religion. They all get roped in together.


Yep, hatred is too strong, I'd agree, more like hostility and intolerance.


It's also when it gets emotive and starts attacking (hostility towards) individuals, rather than presenting reasoned arguments re: specific flaws with specific religions (or flaws with religion in general). If people are religious or not; if they don't share our views, they're still, first and foremost, human beings. :)

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Is it possible to be critical of elements of a religion, in a more objective dispassionate way?
Aside from a couple of posters, I find that most do discuss or criticise religion in an objective or dispassionate way on SF. When theists are attempting to defend or proselytise their beliefs with metaphors and/or other wishy-washy ways of speaking their 'truth' and are met with straight-talk from critics, they don't seem to like it and often see it as an attack.


I think one of the problems could be that the religious don't tend to discuss their views in an objective or dispassionate way, preferring instead to use ambiguous phrases and sayings (often refusing to clarify what they mean) which are left open to interpretation (which is, after all, one of the core methods of religion).


Also, someone was talking about defriending Islamaphopes on FB, and it got me thinking, how does one differnetiate between critisism of Islam, and Islamaphobia? Anyone know?


Do some Muslims just play the Islamaphobe card, in order to deflect any (even legitimate well meaning) critisism of Islam?

Well, to criticise Islam is to question the authenticity of it, which many take as an insult. The Quran does not speak highly of such people and recommends ill-will toward them them (to put it nicely).


---------- Post added 11-12-2015 at 08:06 ----------


Yep, hatred is too strong, I'd agree, more like hostility and intolerance.


It's also when it gets emotive and starts attacking (hostility towards) individuals, rather than presenting reasoned arguments re: specific flaws with specific religions (or flaws with religion in general). If people are religious or not; if they don't share our views, they're still, first and foremost, human beings. :)


I find that although there are a couple of 'snidey' and dishonest believers in these discussions, I think the posters like Teeny do not intend to cause offense but when their beliefs lead them to make claims like 'diseases are not from God, man made all diseases' and 'If you live by the word of God it's true it does protect you from the illnesses like HIV !' it can indeed cause offence.


When such cases arise, the theist seems to think the atheist is rude for being offended by (what the theist believes to be) the truth.

Edited by RootsBooster
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Originally Posted by pretty_big View Post

We should push it on young people to not so much "hate" religion but reject it and reject it strongly. All forms of religion that include praying to some made up nobody that's neither dead/alive should be banned and then we might start to see some world peace.... Only problem is we'll then have to teach and enforce morals in school and parenting.



Take a look at the very long list of people dead over the matter of socialism vs capitalism and then say that again.




Pretty _big View should also take a lesson from their own signature.

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Pretty _big View should also take a lesson from their own signature.


Who is this 'Pretty_big view'?

Where have you got this quote from?


EDIT: I see it now, the name is 'Pretty_big' and the post is on the previous page. I don't think his/her post was very well thought out at all. Nothing should be 'pushed' on people, I think we should encourage critical thinking more though.

Edited by RootsBooster
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Hatred is a strong word.

Concern certainly. Hope of change, most definitely. Tolerance doesn't mean you don't say anything negative.


"Religion is an insult to human dignity. With or without it you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion."


Steven Weinberg.


Steve is wrong. It is systematization (of the excessive variety) that enables good people to do bad things.


Historically religious institutions (NOT religion/spirituality per se) were amongst the first large 'systems'.


Now of course, everything is systematized, centralized and dehumanized, hence the large number of attacks on the vulnerable, minorities, and, indeed, on the large segment of our populations who live lives of needless stress & ill-health as a result.


---------- Post added 11-12-2015 at 11:37 ----------


Talking about on this forum...


It just seems that every other thread, is some attack on the religious (esp. on Muslims). Am I just imagining it? Or is that really happening here? What do you think?


No, you're not imagining- I've noticed it as well.



Are people here not capable of tolerance and compassion?

Some are, some aren't.
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Steve is wrong. It is systematization (of the excessive variety) that enables good people to do bad things.


Historically religious institutions (NOT religion/spirituality per se) were amongst the first large 'systems'.


Now of course, everything is systematized, centralized and dehumanized, hence the large number of attacks on the vulnerable, minorities, and, indeed, on the large segment of our populations who live lives of needless stress & ill-health as a result.


I do think that Steve's statement can be applied equally well to other all consuming ideologies, such as stalinism, maoism, or national socialism. These ideologies share all the important traits of religion.

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I do think that Steve's statement can be applied equally well to other all consuming ideologies, such as stalinism, maoism, or national socialism. These ideologies share all the important traits of religion.


Of course. It applies to any excessively systematized scenario. Including, unfortunately, our own current one, which, even more unfortunately, is getting ever worse.

Edited by onewheeldave
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I find that if I do get snippy, it's usually when people are pasting bible spam rather than their own words.
.......sorry about that, but the first third of my post were my own words!............any comment on Pauls letter regarding the meaning of true love which has great relevance to the worlds problems?
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