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Is it my imagination, or is their growing hatred for the religious?

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.......sorry about that, but the first third of my post were my own words!............any comment on Pauls letter regarding the meaning of true love which has great relevance to the worlds problems?



1. The 'narrow gate' is referring to Heaven, is it not? In which case it has no relevance to the world's problems.


2. It's obvious that 'love' can be a benefit to the world, we don't knmow the Bible to tell us that.


3. It has nothing to do with the topic of this thread.

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............any comment on Pauls letter regarding the meaning of true love which has great relevance to the worlds problems?


Without going too off topic.


Paul never found true love as he was a womaniser and was constantly struggling with the concept of sin, hence him always banging on about it and also introducing the concept of original sin. The only love he found was for his saviour Christ.

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1. The 'narrow gate' is referring to Heaven, is it not? In which case it has no relevance to the world's problems.


2. It's obvious that 'love' can be a benefit to the world, we don't knmow the Bible to tell us that.


3. It has nothing to do with the topic of this thread.


1, The "narrow gate" does not refer to heaven,but to living a fulfilled life devoid of poor habits (sin)Where you can reach your true potential on this earth.

2.As for love!it would be interesting to hear your explanation of love in the

context of how Paul describes it.If you have Pauls boxes ticked,you are through the gate with no further questions!


3.Sorry but it has everything to do with the thread! as thread is talking about hatred! which automatically closes the gate on people who prefer darkness to light!

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I saw an article in the Metro about a soldier who lost his leg, and had been pursued by racist groups who assumed that, because the attacker was Muslim, he would join them in furthering alarmist fear and bigotry.


He didn't, and presented his reasons why in a very concise and logical form, ie-


Chris Herbert (on his facebook page):


"Getting frustrated by some people expecting racism from me, because I got blown up. Here it is:

Yes. A Muslim man blew me up, and I lost my leg.

A Muslim man also lost his arm that day wearing a British Uniform.

A Muslim medic was in the helicopter that took me from the field

A Muslim surgeon performed the surgery that saved my life

A Muslim Nurse was part of the team that helped me when I returned to the UK

A Muslim Healthcare Assistant was part of the team that sorted out my day to day needs in rehabilitation when I was learning to walk

A Muslim taxi driver gave me a free ride the first time I went for a beer with my Dad after I came home.

A Muslim doctor offered my Dad comfort and advice in a pub, when he didnt know how to deal with my medicines and side effects.

Contrary to that,

A white brit spat in my girlfriends face for '****ing a cripple when you could have me [him]'

A White brit pushed my wheelchair away from a lift so he could use it first.

A White brit screamed at my Dad for parking in a disabled bay when I was in the services coming home

(Although, alot of people helped in my recovery! I dont hate white brits either! hahaha)

Point is, **** off. I know who I dislike, and I know who I dont. I know who I appreciate, and I know who I dont. If you want to hate an entire race of men and women for the actions of a few ********s feel free, but don't push your views on me, thinking I am an easy target because one douchebag decided it was my day to die.

Blaming all Muslims for the actions of groups like Daeshe and the Taliban, is like blaming all Christians for the actions of the KKK or Westboro Baptist Church.

Get a grip of your lives, hug your family and get back to work."

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Talking about on this forum...


It just seems that every other thread, is some attack on the religious (esp. on Muslims). Am I just imagining it? Or is that really happening here? What do you think?


For the record; I generally do not like religion; but ... I dislike a whole lot more, people who think it's okay to be constantly snippy and rude towards other human beings who just so happen to be religious.


Are people here not capable of tolerance and compassion?


Most people are capable of both of those, and most non religious would probably be quite prepared to ignore religion completely.

But the problem is religion has an effect on all the population whether you believe or not. From unelected bishops sitting in the H of Ls to terrorism and an influx of refugees into the EU, to institutional child abuse.

It's OK putting the hatred onto non believers, but it might be an idea for religions also to get their houses in order.

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Take a look at the very long list of people dead over the matter of socialism vs capitalism and then say that again.


I don't need to look at the list because I know it's fact that more people have died over religion... In fact come to think of it we're both right religion is and has always been used as a guise over socialism/capitalism. Fact is war has and always will happen, by eradicating religion you take the mask off the media/governments reasons for any war.

Edited by pretty_big
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