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New 20mph speed limits


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As new areas of 20 mph limits are coming thick and fast has anyone really started to slow down in these areas? Buchanan road at Parson cross is a good example. Long, wide and straight without any speed bumps I have been overtaken many times on this stretch with speeds of up to 40 mph. If people don't perceive danger (speed humps, speed cameras) then they will drive at a speed they think is suitable regardless of any 20 signs. The council market them as safer areas for pedestrians and cyclists which is only true if everyone adheres to the limit. I understand putting signs up is a cheaper option than road bumps but sig s never caused damage to a car (unless you crash into one) so the majority of drivers will ignore them. I have also seen more kids playing on or near these roads as I think they presume it is safe as all the cars will be driving more slowly.

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People only slow down if there is enforcement in the area, thats not just in Sheffield it's something I've noticed all over the country.


The public view seems to be 20 is too slow so they just ignore it.

Oddly they don't go mental and go tearing through, it's usually always 30 they choose.

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Coming round the A57 this morning in Sheffield and farther out (not a road I've used for a fair while these days) I notice they are all 50mph limits and stripes in the middle of the road stopping overtaking in places etc, etc.


Thankfully most people ignore these and drive at a speed suitable to the road and their abilities, and get past drivers who can't as and when it is safe to do so. I do the same, and have done for the past 23 years since I've had my licence - I've never had an accident (apart from when someone ran into the back of me whilst I was stationary a few months ago), and my licence has always remained clean.


No one is perfect and we all make mistakes, but I believe we make more mistakes under pressure from unnecessary rules, regulations and sign-ages. The money would be far better spent putting police on the roads to curb bad driving habits and obvious dangerous speedsters...

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The A57 has always been a celebration of terrible driving, you're almost always going to get stuck behind some plonker doing 30 or less the entire stretch.


It's a challenging road for sure, but when someone is holding up HGV's because they're afraid to get out of second gear they probably shouldn't be behind the wheel.

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I notice they are all 50mph limits and stripes in the middle of the road stopping overtaking in places etc, etc.


If you mean chevrons then you can cross them if you need to and it is safe (think it's highway code rule 30 but stand to be corrected) unless it is a SOLID! white line which means no crossing.


According to "The Star" these signs are only advisory,therefore they are absolutely pointless and a complete waste of money.


If sign has a red ring round it then it's mandatory (there was dubious accounts of this because it was below 30mph) but just chill out, red border mandatory! Why risk £££ and points and only lose about a minute!! If you're journey is that vital - set off earlier :hihi:

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According to "The Star" these signs are only advisory,therefore they are absolutely pointless and a complete waste of money.


That's incorrect information.


The only advisory limit being introduced is on Ringinglow road at Bents Green School entrance.


The others are all mandatory and legally enforceable although our PCC seems misinformed on this unlike his counterpart in West Yorkshire.



Mark Burns-Williamson, the Police and Crime Commissioner for West Yorkshire, said: “Road safety is of real concern to our communities and last year, after extensive consultation with members of the public I included road safety as a priority in the refreshed police and crime plan that set out the strategic direction for the police here in West Yorkshire over five years to 2018.


“We all have a responsibility for road safety and speeding remains an issue of high concern for our police, particularly in residential areas. The 20mph limits must be enforced in an appropriate and proportionate way, working with the police and with our partners”.

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