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Would you join the British Armed Forces?

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I actually joined because I wanted to do aid work and to join the UN peacekeeping force and the only way to do that was to get a transfer from your own countries armed forces


Do you think this is because you are female?


I suspect that the vast majority of young men joining up


Are NOT doing it for your reasons

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What about all the ex-British forces who end up homeless? Do you think they'll also tell you what to do with your pity? Do you think they may have a very different attitude to the British military and the politicians who run it, then they did when they first signed up?


I never understand why there are so many ex-serviceman on the streets. Contrary to public opinion the Army has a fantastic support network for those leaving, but I can only assume it doesn't (or didn't as I'm sure things have changed in the last decade) go far enough, or that some soldiers leave with mental illnesses that don't get the medical support they need.


When I left I had interview courses, £2k funding for a computer training course, careers fairs with employers who actively seeked ex-serviceman/woman, had my CV re-written with an expert, was offered help finding accommodation, had access to a helpline who would assist in almost any matter I could think of, from how to pay council tax through to if I was feeling depressed.

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I never understand why there are so many ex-serviceman on the streets


Because you probably haven't murdered anyone Kate


Dealing with the fact that you have killed another human being


TWISTS people


Along with the general PTSD of being in a war


Jesus Christ woman, you can't compare your job


To being in the THICK of it :shakes:

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Do you think this is because you are female?


I suspect that the vast majority of young men joining up


Are NOT doing it for your reasons


No, it's got nothing to do with me being female, it's simply to do with me being me...there is no 'gender' angle here Solomon...


And of course everyone signs up for different reason, but v v few sign up to simply fight. These people get weeded out when you have personality profiling done. The Army doesn't want people who want to charge Rambo style into a battlefield!


I did want to go to a combat zone though, that was my job ultimately and to do it under fire with lives on the line would have been exhilarating. I'm being v honest here!


---------- Post added 14-12-2015 at 12:17 ----------


Because you probably haven't murdered anyone Kate


Dealing with the fact that you have killed another human being


TWISTS people


Along with the general PTSD of being in a war


Jesus Christ woman, you can't compare your job


To being in the THICK of it :shakes:


Solomon, I really think you should end this line of posting about here. I'm not pro-war and never have been, but ultimately a soldier being shot at on a battlefield has a right to return fire, and if they kill someone then that isn't going to make them a murderer. Ever. You aren't going to get support for me on this.


I can't compare my job to being in a war zone? When did I do that? Have you ever been a war zone? If not how can you possibly know a single thing about it more than I can?


Politicians sending people to wars to make themselves richer are the murderers here of both sides soldiers. The guys on the front line who are having to do the messy work are not.

Edited by sgtkate
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I did want to go to a combat zone though, that was my job ultimately and to do it under fire with lives on the line would have been exhilarating. I'm being v honest here!


No <remove> Sherlock :rolleyes:


This is why people join up!


They have NO CLUE that war means:


Dead women, dead children and watching friends die or get maimed :shakes:


And for WHAT?


Oil? Resources?


Makes me sick :gag:

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No <remove> Sherlock :rolleyes:


This is why people join up!


They have NO CLUE that war means:


Dead women, dead children and watching friends die or get maimed :shakes:


And for WHAT?


Oil? Resources?


Makes me sick :gag:


End of conversation with you. Like so many threads you join, you refuse to talk to anyone and just preach at them. Go and find a soapbox to stand on and preach to anyone who will listen. This is a discussion forum. Key word here is discussion, it means 2 way dialogue. You are now on my ignore list, and even Penistone isn't on that yet, although he's close.

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End of conversation with you. Like so many threads you join, you refuse to talk to anyone and just preach at them. Go and find a soapbox to stand on and preach to anyone who will listen. This is a discussion forum. Key word here is discussion, it means 2 way dialogue. You are now on my ignore list, and even Penistone isn't on that yet, although he's close.


Truth hurts Kate


I can't help you with that

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What about all the ex-British forces who end up homeless? Do you think they'll also tell you what to do with your pity? Do you think they may have a very different attitude to the British military and the politicians who run it, then they did when they first signed up?


My facebook account is mainly ex and serving soldiers. We have a great banter, yes there is some sniping but to a man none of us would change what we did/ are doing whilst in the forces.

If someone needs help we all dig deep to help in whatever way we can.

So yes, I think my finger is on the pulse with regards ex servicemen and their attitude to pity.


Fantastic. I'm guessing that your facebook group isn't likely to include homeless ex-military though? (People without homes generally don't have internet access).


I'm wondering if your 'finger is on the pulse' with regards to homeless ex-military and their attitude to pity?

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Can't believe I missed this


Politicians sending people to wars to make themselves richer are the murderers here of both sides soldiers. The guys on the front line who are having to do the messy work are not


Did this ACTUALLY get said?




Soldiers are absolved of all responsibility?




Who forced them to join up?!


Did they not know what their job entailed??


Who's fault is THAT?? :mad:

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Can't believe I missed this




Did this ACTUALLY get said?




Soldiers are absolved of all responsibility?




Who forced them to join up?!


Did they not know what their job entailed??


Who's fault is THAT?? :mad:


Do you think all the people who fought inWW2 were twisted??? They fought and died and suffered you could post that. It's not a quote I like to trot out because it's a bit twee but it's totally appropiate here.


Anyway the reason they cope in the main is the discipline sol. That helps the thing work. It certainly helps them help people like you. Take the flood situation in Cumbria. If I was a soldier filling sandbags and I'd read up on your internet history Id let your possessions wash away - no problem. But they're professional and they'd do their best to let you continue to post utter utter tripe in a dry house.


I wish you could meet some of the people I'd met over the last 12 months, honestly you'd change your mind.


---------- Post added 14-12-2015 at 17:22 ----------


Truth hurts Kate


I can't help you with that


You wouldn't know the truth if you fell over it.


And read up on the rules of engagement in Afghanistan.

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