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Would you join the British Armed Forces?

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You can read context into anything to fit your own blissful ignorance.....practising cognitive dissonance are we?


Has he come out and denied the obvious meaning of the statement?


Till such time i believe there is no hidden context.


His statement also makes perfect sense when you think about the WMD ruse.


They,the poor souls were clearly used on that occasion as mere pawns of foreign policy. Paying with their health and in some cases their life.


Made a buck or two for the Military Indutrial Complex though.

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You can read context into anything to fit your own blissful ignorance.....practising cognitive dissonance are we?


Has he come out and denied the obvious meaning of the statement?


Till such time i believe there is no hidden context.


His statement also makes perfect sense when you think about the WMD ruse.


They,the poor souls were clearly used on that occasion as mere pawns of foreign policy. Paying with their health and in some cases their life.


Made a buck or two for the Military Indutrial Complex though.



Looking into the quote, theres no acual proof it was ever made, it just appears in the book The Final days (By Bob Woodward, Carl Bernstein) bottom p194. The book seems to suggest it was as much about abusing Alexander Haig who he didnt like.


Btw the context doesnt have to be hidden, it just helps to know when and where plus any other circumstances.

Edited by 999tigger
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You can read context into anything to fit your own blissful ignorance.....practising cognitive dissonance are we?


Has he come out and denied the obvious meaning of the statement?


Till such time i believe there is no hidden context.


His statement also makes perfect sense when you think about the WMD ruse.


They,the poor souls were clearly used on that occasion as mere pawns of foreign policy. Paying with their health and in some cases their life.


Made a buck or two for the Military Indutrial Complex though.


Ok, so according to you, Kissinger would shout his secret policy across a crowded room full of Whitehouse staffers, and Kissinger's history of belittling General Haig was clever subterfuge!


Back in the real world, Kissinger has denied even making the statement and no witness has ever contradicted this.

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If that was everyone's attitude and push came to shove that you were required to fight for your country where would the experience of warfare come from.

You could have 200 or 200,000 sign up to defend, but if none have military experience you may as well have none.

Men and women join the forces to be part of one of the worlds prestigious fighting forces as a way of life.

Don't feel sorry for our boys and girls that have been injured because they will tell you what to do with your pity, just read some of the many astounding stories regarding recovery from injuries ( the Invictus Games for one).

They do what they do because they are a well drilled, disciplined team doing what they do for each other not some notion of dying for queen and country.


What about all the ex-British forces who end up homeless? Do you think they'll also tell you what to do with your pity? Do you think they may have a very different attitude to the British military and the politicians who run it, then they did when they first signed up?

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What about all the ex-British forces who end up homeless? Do you think they'll also tell you what to do with your pity? Do you think they may have a very different attitude to the British military and the politicians who run it, then they did when they first signed up?


My facebook account is mainly ex and serving soldiers. We have a great banter, yes there is some sniping but to a man none of us would change what we did/ are doing whilst in the forces.

If someone needs help we all dig deep to help in whatever way we can.

So yes, I think my finger is on the pulse with regards ex servicemen and their attitude to pity.

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I left after 22 years with a clear idea of what I was going to do. If it hadn't been for the forces I wouldn't have the skills necessary to carry me forward in to the career I went in to and the job I have now.

There is still a massive network after you leave and education grants in place prior to leaving and Up to 10 years after leaving.

The regimental tie thing really doesn't go that far in today's workplace.


This was a kid who had been in maybe 5 years - that's a different thing altogether to snco who has done 22 years. I bet none of them end up homeless!

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Well do people believe their Government's are a) honest, truthful and working for the benefit of their citizenry? Or are they b) lying, shiftless, self serving traitors who are happy to sacrifice their own citizenry to corporate and foreign powers?


If a then it would seem an OK idea to sign up, if b then obviously not.


Having said that I believe b but still work for the Government but happily I don't have to shoot or bomb people or risk my own life in their cause. (Usually).

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I cannot think of a time when the lives of our armed forces haven't been more important. We've now reached a time where by historical standards where even minuscule loss of lives from our armed forces produces an outrage.


I'm not saying that this is a bad thing, but the consequences of this change has led to a situation where we would rather kill innocent civilians than putting our troops into harms way.

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