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Are there any Forummers who actually support Mr Trump?

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Acting politically correctly and making false connections to the Nazis does not lessen the threat from Muslim terrorists .


Nothing politically correct about pointing out that someone's rhetoric resembles the rantings of a dead lunatic. Your own words condemned you as a bit weird, then again you're no stranger to advocating and promoting the mindless.

Edited by cassity
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Neither does shutting your eyes pal,its not one way traffic.

Take a good look at the muslims marching through Luton shouting down british soldiers.


I'd rather take a good look at the Muslims who I work with and the ones who are my friends and neighbours.

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I'd rather take a good look at the Muslims who I work with and the ones who are my friends and neighbours.


I really hope your eyes are open while they stab you in the back then,because its YOU theyl hide behind when they need help,and people just like you.

Make no mistake fella,theyve no love for anything white or CHRISTIAN,NONE at all.

But you go along believing your friends

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What's the plan then, Mr Bigot?



Maybe this one~



Islam is much more than a religion, it is also a political, cultural, legal, and military system that encompasses the entirety of existence from birth to death; it is a comprehensive ideology.The doctrine of Islam states that no religion is acceptable other than Islam; it asserts Islam’s superiority over every political and religious system anywhere and for all time.

An ideology that divides the world into believers and unbelievers, an ideology that indoctrinates Muslim children with the belief that Infidels and Jews are descendent’s of apes and swine and that they must be annihilated until the religion of Allah rules the globe.Islam is on the move toward world domination, and it is time the world woke up to the reality before it is too late!

The Islamization of Europe is in full swing. The majority of Europeans are helpless against this development. They are informed neither about the true essence of Islam, nor about the background of Islamic politics on European soil. The Muslims have not come to integrate into European societies.This is forbidden by their faith as well as their religious leaders who are highly organized and have long since held the real leadership over European muslims. Their primary political goal is to complete what their religion, what Allah has commanded: the rule over all “infidels” in this world. This is what it says in the Koran; this is what their prophet (Muhammad) also commands. And this is what every representative of Muslims strives for in every European country, regardless of what party they belong to.

Americans and the West have to understand the truth of Islam! There is NO RADICAL, regular or spiritual Islam nor militiant Islam, Wahhabi Islam … THERE IS ONLY ONE ISLAM!!!Turkey’s PM Erdogan: The term “moderate Islam” is ugly and offensive – Islam is Islam.The myth of the ‘moderate’ Muslim:

The “silent majority” are the ones who in many ways make the violence possible. They say the same prayers. They go to the same mosques. They hear the same imams. They read the same holy book.The “silent majority” support the Muslim charities and they know who is involved in terrorist planning but they stay silent. Silence is one form of approval.They will live with the benefits of a Muslim victory over the West.

Ask yourself a this question:

Does your religion teach you to kill and die for Allah? No?Islam does.It’s time the people of the west wake up to the very real threat of Islam.Or is it already too late?…When will we realize that we are even ENGAGED in a battle?…Their numbers are growing…Their militancy is increasing…They clearly state their intentions…World domination…Is anybody amongst us listening?….http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vL1elA3RY7Q

Mu’ammar Al-Qadhafi: “Some people believe that Muhammad is the prophet of the Arabs or Muslims alone. This is a mistake. Muhammad is the prophet of all people.”…. Ibrahim El-Zayat, (President of the Islamic Fellowship in Germany): every one of them knows well the mandate for world conquest, and every one of them is applying every bit of power they have to accomplish this end……“Thanks to your democratic laws, we will overtake you; thanks to your religious laws, we will rule over you. — Imam from Izmir


So do you disagree with all of this you bigot?

Edited by MickyA
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I really hope your eyes are open while they stab you in the back then,because its YOU theyl hide behind when they need help,and people just like you.

Make no mistake fella,theyve no love for anything white or CHRISTIAN,NONE at all.

But you go along believing your friends


You don't half post some nonsense Stan. Mostly after closing time, I notice.


Have a little read.. Calm down. Enjoy the human race. Most of it is brilliant.


---------- Post added 12-12-2015 at 00:06 ----------



So do you disagree with all of this you bigot?


See. When I asked you the question, I sort of envisaged that you would reply in your own words, that you'd tell me what the plan was.


Instead, I just got a ridiculous cut and paste job. That's the domain of the intellectually bankrupt. No surprise really, you don't come across as the sharpest pair of scissors in the dressmaking box.


Tell me, in your own words. What is the plan? Why does the plan worry you?

Edited by MLAR
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You don't half post some nonsense Stan. Mostly after closing time, I notice.


Have a little read.. Calm down. Enjoy the human race. Most of it is brilliant.


:hihi: I know quite a few muslim enclaves,anytime you wanna get a DIFFERENT perspective let me know.Ill tell ya summat,youl change your views when you meet these lads.

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:hihi: I know quite a few muslim enclaves,anytime you wanna get a DIFFERENT perspective let me know.Ill tell ya summat,youl change your views when you meet these lads.


You have no idea where I come from, do you? :D


Still less where I work.


I could show you enclaves of Muslims who would terrify you. I could also show you some very scary white working class folks.


Truth is, most people are fine, regardless of race or religion or colour.

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