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Are there any Forummers who actually support Mr Trump?

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I would certainly like a Muslim free UK and would support a way of preventing more coming into the Country but the damage is already done. I believe that we have over 2 million already here and at the moment around a tenth of new born babies are Muslim so it stands to reason that over the next few generations those numbers will spiral.


For them everything is going pretty much to plan (a Muslim told me that)


---------- Post added 11-12-2015 at 23:33 ----------



If it was up to me every citizen would carry one.


What do you see as the damage Micky? How have Muslims threatened your way of life?

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As per the title; it would be fascinating to hear from anyone who actually approves of Mr Trump and what he says.


I actually think he has some good ideas on Tax reform, though I'm not clear on the economic viability of it. He's also good got ideas with regards to supporting veterans, mentally and physically, and his Chinese trade reforms make interesting reading.


Then he comes out with some real rubbish and his loony policies outweigh everything else.

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Muslims have not threatened me directly I just know enough of them to know that the Muslim faith is out to wreck everything Western and everything British and I kind of liked it the way it was. I don't worry for myself, not even for my children but I do worry for my grand kids and their children.


The article is bang on and I would challenge any Muslim to say that it is wrong, every religion is out to convert the nation but the Muslim religion is the only one waging war on a global scale and things have certainly escalated.


I was talking about this very same subject to an 89 year old gentleman and his wife today and they were pretty much saying the same, I meet new people most days and the majority all feel the same..... we cannot all be racists and bigots, it is a concern that worries most.

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Muslims have not threatened me directly I just know enough of them to know that the Muslim faith is out to wreck everything Western and everything British and I kind of liked it the way it was. I don't worry for myself, not even for my children but I do worry for my grand kids and their children.


The article is bang on and I would challenge any Muslim to say that it is wrong, every religion is out to convert the nation but the Muslim religion is the only one waging war on a global scale and things have certainly escalated.


I was talking about this very same subject to an 89 year old gentleman and his wife today and they were pretty much saying the same, I meet new people most days and the majority all feel the same..... we cannot all be racists and bigots, it is a concern that worries most.


You seem genuinely concerned about that, so can you give some concrete examples of how Muslims are trying to wreck everything Western and British?


You know, like specific things they're trying to wreck?

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Do any of the forumers also support Trump's plans to enforce Muslims in America to register with their Government and to carry special I.D. cards?


Thats going a little too far and wouldn't solve the islamic problem.



To everyone concerned about freedom of religion, would you support or oppose a religion based on Hitler, in which his worshippers revered him as a prophet and indoctrinated their children with a Nazi bible?

Edited by betterman
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Nothing politically correct about pointing out that someone's rhetoric resembles the rantings of a dead lunatic. Your own words condemned you as a bit weird, then again you're no stranger to advocating and promoting the mindless.


Utter nonsense again which seems to be your trademark . The OP asked a question which I gave an answer to .


I make that an hat trick of Nazi analogies from you . (Godwin's Law)

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You seem genuinely concerned about that, so can you give some concrete examples of how Muslims are trying to wreck everything Western and British?


You know, like specific things they're trying to wreck?

Basic human rights like education, equality, religous freedom, and bizarrely, sanitation and health.




Not quite a one off, more an organised effort to wreck everything Western and British by some Muslims. I'm sure we'll agree that their efforts should be nipped in the bud as quickly as possible and the perpetrators prosecuted and jailed as appropriate.

Edited by Eric Arthur
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