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Are there any Forummers who actually support Mr Trump?

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I haven't had business dealings with japanese but i've had more than a few with chinese and i have always found them to be big on showing (and being shown) respect. Negotiations can go on for ages in rather convoluted manners so that nobody loses face. So I suspect mr trump has just made up the stereotype of 'we want deal' of the top of his rather odd looking head.


I suspect you are probably right but then agian he may have had dealings with differnt people than you that did say "we want deal", leading him to believe that that is the norm.

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No mafya it is still islamophobia,don't get them mixed up the racists union won't like it, black,brown and white muslims from many races.


It's mainly the brown Muslims that get targeted as the black and white ones are harder to spot unless they are wearing Muslim clobber.

Did you read the article before posting?

Maybe I should refer to all non Muslims as Kafir or infidels as kafirs and infidels are not a race are they?

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It's mainly the brown Muslims that get targeted as the black and white ones are harder to spot unless they are wearing Muslim clobber.

Did you read the article before posting?

Maybe I should refer to all non Muslims as Kafir or infidels as kafirs and infidels are not a race are they?

Of course I did but lets say you could love all the british but hate all americans,they are races,christians,muslims etc are not.I do understand that it does sometimes have racism at the root ,I am not that simple.

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It's mainly the brown Muslims that get targeted as the black and white ones are harder to spot unless they are wearing Muslim clobber.

Did you read the article before posting?

Maybe I should refer to all non Muslims as Kafir or infidels as kafirs and infidels are not a race are they?


So are we saying that the actual prejudice is against Arabs? Or Persians, Arabs and Semites? I doubt the Jews would be happy about that.

Or perhaps Punjabis, Sindhis, Seraikis, Pashtuns, Mohajirs, Balochs, and Kashmiris as well? If so, I dare say that the Sikhs and Hindus would have something to say about that.

I suppose that Muslims from Transcaucasia are safe?


Perhaps what you're saying is that increasing concern about fundamentalist/puritanical Islam are being used by racists to mistreat people with brown skin. That is most certainly racism.

I'm not all that pale myself. Perhaps I should worry.


Call me an infidel all you want if the tone of the conversation is not threatening. I'd probably be more worried by being called Kafir which I understand translates roughly as heretic, and perhaps even more as Riddah, but than I think you have to be a Muslim at some point for that.


The Japanese call me "Gaijin", and I don't have a huge problem with that.


I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.


Is what ideology one subscribes to not a big part of the content of one's character?

Edited by unbeliever
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So you won't have an issue if one day you and your children are living in a Muslim majority country?


No, why would I? I quite like Islam as a religion in a lot of ways.


Its not going to happen in the UK anyway. On current trends it would probably take hundreds of years. We could reach 10-15% Max in the next 50 years but birth rates in Muslim families are dropping anyway.

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It's mainly the brown Muslims that get targeted as the black and white ones are harder to spot unless they are wearing Muslim clobber.

Did you read the article before posting?

Maybe I should refer to all non Muslims as Kafir or infidels as kafirs and infidels are not a race are they?


So what is your opinion of the Jews?

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The people that support Trump the most are those that want Hilary and the Democrats to win next year's election massively, by a landslide. Because that's what will happen should he - and it is still unlikely - get the nomination.


He's just like Jeremy Corbyn. His biggest supporters are his opponents.

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No, why would I? I quite like Islam as a religion in a lot of ways.


Its not going to happen in the UK anyway. On current trends it would probably take hundreds of years. We could reach 10-15% Max in the next 50 years but birth rates in Muslim families are dropping anyway.


So your opinion is based on you liking islam and everything that comes with it, and mine is based on not likeing islam because of the baggage that comes with it.


Your opinion is based on an opinion that it won't happen and mine is based on it might happen and I don't want future generation of my family to endure the concequences of an islamic britain.

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So your opinion is based on you liking islam and everything that comes with it, and mine is based on not likeing islam because of the baggage that comes with it.


Your opinion is based on an opinion that it won't happen and mine is based on it might happen and I don't want future generation of my family to endure the concequences of an islamic britain.


I don't think I'd have a huge problem living in Turkey, probably not Indonesia either. Now Saudi Arabia or Iran, that's a different matter.

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