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Are there any Forummers who actually support Mr Trump?

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Maybe Israel should stop stealing land and killing unarmed Palestinian children first......


That's a whole other topic for a different thread. stay on topic.


We might not all be agreeing on this thread but it is good natured and it is helpful to hear all the other points of view.


Let's not spoil it.

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---------- Post added 14-12-2015 at 02:49 ----------



It is not clearly possible.


It may be possible, but then so is Prince Charles having a sex change and moving into a council flat in Rotherham with the Proclaimers. It simply isn't going to happen so stop fantasying.


It would be really interesting if you could explain why this could not happen?We were all Catholics once and were 'encouraged' to become Christians?

Edited by astrols
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Maybe Israel should stop stealing land and killing unarmed Palestinian children first......


Israel is hardly blameless in these matters, but...


Who stole the land first?

Surely the land in question was part of the UN mandate for Palestine, which was then illegally annexed by the Arab League in 1948, and only taken by Israel in the 1967 war and not this time annexed.


There are plenty of dead children on both sides.

I've never known the Israelis to strap a bomb one of their children and then send him onto a bus full their enemy's children.

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No, mine is backed by facts. Read the link.


You are correct to point to issues we have with certain sections of our community. We shouldn't hide from those challenges.


This is where Labour clearly got things wrong by promoting the social strengthening of immigrant communities while not promoting economic opportunity and education adequately. There is nothing wrong with allowing distinct communities to exist but when they don't have the same economic opportunity and success as everyone else then problems will arise. Economic inclusion is the key to solving a lot of the issues IMO. Once people have success, decent housing, decent jobs, decent education and can see a future for their children then their focus tends to shift. That's our challenge as a country, to not create more hate and division on both sides but to find a way to come together.

The facts are that at current trends birth rates, imigration, converstion rates, and migration ratss of non muslims from the UK, the UK will be majority Muslim within 50 years.


The speculation is that it won't because birth rates will drop, conversion will drop and imigration will drop. They might but that is simply specualtion.


I don't hide from the chalange, I confront it head on and people like you don't like it.


So its everyone elses fault that Muslims are less likley to be employed and more likley to be in prison, it couldnt possibly be anthing to with Islam. :loopy:

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The facts are that at current trends birth rates, imigration, converstion rates, and migration ratss of non muslims from the UK, the UK will be majority Muslim within 50 years.


The speculation is that it won't because birth rates will drop, conversion will drop and imigration will drop. They might but that is simply specualtion.


I don't hide from the chalange, I confront it head on and people like you don't like it.


So its everyone elses fault that Muslims are less likley to be employed and more likley to be in prison, it couldnt possibly be anthing to with Islam. :loopy:


No it is not a fact that based on those trends we will be majority Muslim by 2050


Read the link I posted for the facts.


The UK population is set to increase to 75 million by 2050. We have under 3 million Muslims now. We'd need another 35 million Muslims for a majority. Seriously it isn't going to happen. Stop worrying.


---------- Post added 14-12-2015 at 07:53 ----------


---------- Post added 14-12-2015 at 02:49 ----------




It would be really interesting if you could explain why this could not happen?We were all Catholics once and were 'encouraged' to become Christians?


So you are arguing we will have mass conversion of tens of millions of Brits to Islam. It is not going to happen.

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No it is not a fact that based on those trends we will be majority Muslim by 2050


Read the link I posted for the facts.


The UK population is set to increase to 75 million by 2050. We have under 3 million Muslims now. We'd need another 35 million Muslims for a majority. Seriously it isn't going to happen. Stop worrying.


---------- Post added 14-12-2015 at 07:53 ----------



So you are arguing we will have mass conversion of tens of millions of Brits to Islam. It is not going to happen.


The link doesn't contain facts it contains specualtion.


The Muslims population has more than doubled every decade for the last 5 decades, double 3,000,000 each decade for the next 5 decades and you get 96,000,000.


At the same time the white Britsh population is in decline.

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You all know that Trump is a good family friend of the Clintons, right? And even while he's been campaigning has still been round to theirs for dinner and had several long phone calls with Bill Clinton. You will of course also know that Trump has never had extreme right-wing views until a few months back. Just after he'd had a weekend at the Clinton's house. In fact he supported Democrats more than Republicans, but said ' I was proud to have bought politicians of all colours'.


All the above is well documented on various websites of credibility. I will laugh so hard if it does turn out the entire thing is a play by the Clintons, and how foolish so many people will be for supporting a man who was just having a laugh.


If there really is a God, please, please let Donald Trump be playing a game to win Hilary the presidency.

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