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Vandalism of Starbucks

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If they dont agree with Starbucks they can avoid the place.


That's the problem. You can't avoid starbucks.


They're everywhere, the tax-dodging scumbags tax-efficient international corporations that they are.

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That's the problem. You can't avoid starbucks.


They're everywhere, the tax-dodging scumbags tax-efficient international corporations that they are.


You can and I do. There are independent cafe's in the city centre at least 3 by my reckoning. Then there are other chains Nero's is great I go there or if you really do want to avoid chains you could make coffee at home.

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Then there are other chains Nero's is great I go there or if you really do want to avoid chains you could make coffee at home.


Caffé Nero has not paid corporation tax in the UK since 2008, despite racking up sales worth £1.2 billion. Costa pay up as far as I know so its them or the indys for me

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Have you tried the very good value quality Pop-Up cafe on the corner of Union Street opposite Howdden House and the Post Office near Peace Gardens? Currently it is open Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and different small coffee businesses do quality roasted coffee and cakes, also pies on Thursdays (Pie stall Relocated to the Christmas Market until after Chriistmas).

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