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Plain or patterned carpet?

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When I moved into my house, just under 2 years ago, I ordered new carpets throughout the house and paid £660 for a speckled plain black carpet.

Having a dog, it did not stay clean for very long.

It wasnt the cheapest carpet, but the carpet salesman said a patterned axminster would have been much dearer. It is now one of the things that I would replace, if I had the money.

I have a patterned rug, and it does not show any dirt, if you are getting a new carpet, dont get a plain one. Plain seems to be very popular; have you regretted a plain carpet?

Have plain carpets become popular because they are cheaper?

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I can understand your needing a patterned carpet as you have a dog, I bought two large plain wool rugs - one has sustained more wear than the other as it's in the lounge, however, we are still picking up fluff after nearly eight years.


What has always put me off patterned carpets is that the room may look smaller and if you have a lot of ornaments etc then it looks too 'busy' unless you are a minimalist:D

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................Unless the carpet is a striped on on the stairs, pattered carpets seem out of favour now. have you thought about a laminate/wood floor? I have dogs and had one fitted, have two big rugs, best thing I did! it was much cheaper than a carpet, plus side that all the furniture in a big lounge/dining room didn't have to be taken out, just moved aroun.d

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In the 70's and 80's my mum had a horrendous patterned carpet ,,(all the rage then so she tells me) but I could always see the pattern moving out the corner of my eye whilst watching tv, hated it , never had a patterned carpet myself, always wood floors or plain carpets

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We moved into a house with horrendously patterned carpets on the stairs and landing. We got a carpet man round to do a quote for a plain replacement and he advised us not to replace it. The carpet is pure wool, would have been very expensive when first fitted and is very seviceable.


15 years later and it is still in perfect nick. I've kind of grown to love the unrelenting horror of the pattern and it'll be fashionable again one day I'm sure. I wouldn't buy it but it cost me nowt.

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Plain carpets are the safest bet, problem is with a patterned one in 5 years it might look out of date, or worse it might just not be to everyones taste.


I looked at a house (to buy) a while back, it had been well renovated and the guy had done great work...............but.............. he'd just re-carpeted the entire place and it was HORRIBLE

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