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Things happening on run up to Christmas

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Ok, apologies, I phrased it badly. Our individual lives aren't necessary governed by consumerism, but our collective society's structure is.


I apologise for interfering with your efforts, your phrases are pointing in the same direction I see it. Sometimes I can be a childish perfectionist.

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So nobody is actually answering the question then.....as a child I saw the Coca Cola truck Christmas advert and for me that always meant that Xmas was getting close. All I wanted to know was is there anything similar to that happening in the city before Christmas...I don't go to church as I'm gay which I'm sure lot of the do gooders will happily object to a gay person going into the "house of God".


As for the whole consumerism thing and brands comments....have a look around you, how many of you have walked through town with your children (if you have them) and taken pictures of those Christmas trees in your house, or the lights hung on the outside of your houses, or of things while you were walking around the city on your iPhones.


I'm sure most of you will be sat in your consumerism cave watching your branded TVs whilst eating branded food and drinking brand name alcohol....


Take a long look at yourselves before trashing people's likes and dislikes in life.


A lot of children see the Coca Cola truck as a Christmas symbol. Just like a lot of adults see expensive hotels, and expensive champagne and expensive meals out as a sign of romance on Valentine's Day...


Whilst I do agree somewhat on the whole consumerism thing, not 1 person on this entire forum can honestly say they don't have a multiple brand name electronic item in their house....so I say to you...,..hypocrites!


When you remove all brand names from your house, when you get down on your hands and knees and scrub the floors with good old fashioned soap and water not a new fancy flash spray mop and an expensive days on Hoover whilst texting you friends to come over for a nice expensive brand name bottle of plonk and some brand name foods on your expensive iPhone 6s+ then you can turn around and moan about a consumerism world governed by brands....


Rant over.

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Wind your neck in a bit. You are wanting answers to a question but seemingly dismiss a lot of the responses.


You are asking for things happening in the run up to Christmas OTHER the two big consumerist events of Coca Cola Truck and Cadbury.


You have been previously told that there are Christmas markets in the city and the obvious store sales events.


What is it you are looking for?


You have said that you not into any of the church activities which is fine (although IMO, and speaking as a gay athiest, your comments on the relationship between the churches and gay people is hideously outdated)


Nobody is passing judgment BUT, you cannot get away from the fact that Christmas is a religious festival and many of the "things happening" will involve some elements of religion or the churches. Christmas fates, carol services, charity tombolas, nativity plays, christingle services..... Doesn't mean that as a gay person or even non religious person you cannot attend and enjoy the same. Think of it less about the "church" aspect and more about the social gathering side.


With exception to the obvious things such as Shopping or Christmas Parties what other type activities during the Christmas period would you be wanting???

Edited by ECCOnoob
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I meant in the respect of consumerism things....


I don't do church as I don't follow a religion, I do respect what Christmas is about.


We have the Coca Cola truck and the cadvent thing. Are there any other events like these happening around the city.


I agree that it is a religious festival and I respect that religious people follow certain traditions which I don't. That is their choice just like it is my choice to go and see things like the Coca Cola truck and cadburys event.


Having only just moved to Sheffield from a small town where the highlight at Xmas was a random cartoon character switching on the Christmas lights I am curious as to what else the big city can offer similar to the events I have mentioned above.

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I don't go to church as I'm gay which I'm sure lot of the do gooders will happily object to a gay person going into the "house of God".



You're not the only gay in the village now, you know!


You wouldn't even be the only gay on the back pew!


Get over yourself, we're not all Westboro' Baptists you know! :hihi:

Edited by Hesther
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TARDISROB, Welcome to Sheffield! I'm afraid those are the only 2 big such events we know about too, but wanted to extend best wishes of the season to you.


Hope you and your family enjoy Sheffield as much as we have -- we moved here about 20 years ago. Despite occasional sniping on Sheffield Forum, it's one of the friendliest places we've lived.


Have you discovered the ice skaing at the Peace Gardens yet? Not sure if they're doing it this year, Google makes it look like maybe not. But it always had a good vibe. Check out at about 50 seconds on

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Our whole life is governed by capitalist consumerism though, it is the foundation that our civilised society is built on. So I suppose the Coca-Cola truck is like a symbol of our modern lives.


Brands have now replaced churches as the beacons of western society. Instead of wearing crosses, we display brand logos (Apple comes especially to mind, or various clothing brands).


I used to think it was a bad thing, but then if you look at societies that aren't capitalist/consumerist, they tend to be hotbeds of oppression and/or civil conflict. So I don't really know what to think anymore!


I don't even drink Coca-Cola (once in a while I'll have a Cherry Coke) but I love seeing the Coca-Cola truck at Christmas.

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