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Current rumours and other baseless tosh on facebook

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I don't assume anything. I think you don't get it. Ralph Waldo Emerson described friendship as a means of being more fully oneself.


"The soul environs itself with friends,that it may enter into grander self acquaintance or solitude. A friend,therefore, is a sort of paradox in nature. I who alone am,

I who see nothing in nature whose existence I can affirm with equal evidence to my own, behold now the semblance of my being,in all its height,variety and curiosity,reiterated in a foreign form; so that a friend may well be reckoned the masterpiece of nature..... Guard him as thy counterpart. Let him be to thee forever a sort of beautiful enemy untamable , devoutly revered".( The Esoteric

Emerson). Substitute "her" for "him",if you like -and it stills works.


So you see "friendship" is a little more deep than having :a laugh down the pub, sharing a pint, having a kick about,going to the footie,playing games,chatting on the internet,being invited to weddings,funerals and christenings etc. So endeavour as much as you like on the internet. You will never develop a friendship that approaches anywhere near the depth and breadth of that described by :Emerson, Augustine, Cicero, Oakshott and Aristotle. As I've said before. To have a friendship requires that you Know what friendship is in the first place. So it goes. Happy New Year by the way.


So what is friendship - in your own words?

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I don't assume anything. I think you don't get it. Ralph Waldo Emerson described friendship as a means of being more fully oneself.


"The soul environs itself with friends,that it may enter into grander self acquaintance or solitude. A friend,therefore, is a sort of paradox in nature. I who alone am,


I who see nothing in nature whose existence I can affirm with equal evidence to my own, behold now the semblance of my being,in all its height,variety and curiosity,reiterated in a foreign form; so that a friend may well be reckoned the masterpiece of nature..... Guard him as thy counterpart. Let him be to thee forever a sort of beautiful enemy untamable , devoutly revered".( The Esoteric

Emerson). Substitute "her" for "him",if you like -and it stills works.


So you see "friendship" is a little more deep than having :a laugh down the pub, sharing a pint, having a kick about,going to the footie,playing games,chatting on the internet,being invited to weddings,funerals and christenings etc. So endeavour as much as you like on the internet. You will never develop a friendship that approaches anywhere near the depth and breadth of that described by :Emerson, Augustine, Cicero, Oakshott and Aristotle. As I've said before. To have a friendship requires that you Know what friendship is in the first place. So it goes. Happy New Year by the way.

PS. The internet may place you in contact with "potential " friends. The rest has to be worked at. A friendship unexamined is a friendship not worth having. (Someone said something like that about life-i forget who).


You're now telling a stranger (on the internet no less) exactly how strong and deep his friendships will be. All based on the single bit of information of how they originally met.

As described by Cyclone, you're full of it.

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I don't mean to be rude. But of course I understand how Facebook etc works.


I'd suggest that a review of what constitutes "friendship" might be enlightening. Aristotle's

Nicomachean Ethics is a place to start. Friendship has to be practiced to be of value. It cannot be done at a distance. A sociological review of Facebook reveals -what is called - a "weak network " of acquaintances . Acquaintances are not friends.


"Perhaps the central quality of some of my oldest friendships is that they have endured long periods of being apart" ( Love Undetectable , Reflections on Friendship, Sex and Survival , Andrew Sullivan ,p 194).

Making lasting friends requires more than wittering on -on Facebook-about what we had for breakfast ! So it goes .


I'm now off down the Sheath to make a whole cabal of new friends by buying them beer. Ting-a-ling (We laugh).


If you have to read Aristotle to be able to understand what friendship means, I can understand why you are struggling on this thread,

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If you have to read Aristotle to be able to understand what friendship means, I can understand why you are struggling on this thread,


That's insightful and revealing innit (LOL). One can quote from some of the wisest commentators on a concept and it's interpreted as "struggling".

I hazard a guess -and my apologies if I'm wrong- you've never read or reflected on the meaning of friendship. I'm not struggling . I'm searching. So it goes.

NB, Not " searching " for friends -that is . Just a point of information. Aristotle invoked 3 categories of " friendship". Go and have a look. You'll find it edifying .


---------- Post added 29-12-2015 at 11:25 ----------



You're now telling a stranger (on the internet no less) exactly how strong and deep his friendships will be. All based on the single bit of information of how they originally met.

As described by Cyclone, you're full of it.

You're now telling a stranger (on the internet no less) exactly how strong and deep his friendships will be. All based on the single bit of information of how they originally met.

As described by Cyclone, you're full of it.


Throughout this thread I've been polite towards you. However, you can't cope with a discussion that goes a little deep . And you just don't get it. And when you don't get it you stoop to sarcasm ("you're full of it " ). I suggest you pick up just one of the sources I quote (a book) and undertake a journey of evolvement. If trying to shed some light on a concept is "being full of it ". Then fair enough matey- I'm full of it.

In conclusion, I figure you always like to have the last word. I mean 60,000 posts !

You should get out more on your bike. And what do you want in a thread . Some dumbed down drivel . As I've said before. Some people take a difference in opinion ,as some kind of personal insult.You are clearly in that category.

It's a discussion mate. It's not a competition . But if you like to win-and clearly you do. I'll say it for you. You win. And anybody reading this thread, "He's won " ! There you go -that should increase your standing on the Sheffield Forum (Like anybody cares ).

Tinfoil hat asked me to say what "is friendship ". I'll do that for him. But I'll leave you with it first . The answer is "Philia " (Greek- it's a gem of enlightenment) You can "Wiki" it and ponder its import. Now off you go and scour the rest of the Forum. Ps. You don't have to come back-that's because you've won. 60000 posts I ask you ! What are you doing to your life !

Everybody ! He's won ! Ting-a-ling.

Edited by petemcewan
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That's insightful and revealing innit (LOL). One can quote from some of the wisest commentators on a concept and it's interpreted as "struggling".

I hazard a guess -and my apologies if I'm wrong- you've never read or reflected on the meaning of friendship. I'm not struggling . I'm searching. So it goes.

NB, Not " searching for friends -that is . LOL.


I don't think that it's possible to live life without reflecting upon the meaning of friendship, and it is "insightful" that you believe that you can.

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So what is friendship - in your own words?


Tinfoil hat,


To be honesty my own words cannot do it justice. That's why I invoke cleverer

people. Friendship strengthens with mutual awareness and time. To shorten this discussion-so I don't bore you. I'll reach for the Greek word ,"Philia". That for me

goes some way in expressing what I've learnt (up till now) about the concept of friendship". An enduring relationship that is tolerant of a person's shortcomings and their virtues.A relationship that shares with other , the same moral and ethical value system. I cannot be friends with a crook-for want of a better example. A relationship that promotes trust and loyalty and honesty. A relationship that can be left for awhile without terrible consequences.Because it is built on the accumulation of past experiences,and not the fickle and vulnerable promises of future ones.

Now that's it. Without sounding pompous ; I think that few people examine their "friendship" in depth -let alone seek guidance from "Emerson" -et- al. This thread is now a long way from the original one-but ,so it goes.

And if you're wondering, I do have some friends -who don't think ,"I'm full of it" (LOL).


---------- Post added 29-12-2015 at 14:33 ----------


I don't think that it's possible to live life without reflecting upon the meaning of friendship, and it is "insightful" that you believe that you can.

I beg your pardon Don't be silly. I've said all along that one must examine your friendships . I'm glad you agree with me. In one post I said, " A friendship unexamined is a friendship not worth having"-and the rest. Get it. Go back and read my contribution carefully.

That's me finished on this thread.

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This quote from Liz Truss about the floods is doing the rounds on Facebook.


Just one problem, she never said it. People are so gullible that they believe what they want to believe is true.



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