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Current rumours and other baseless tosh on facebook

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On a serious note don't ever use those Google ap add ins or whatever they are that pinpoint your exact location for you to share with friends. I've seen people posting comments like "at my gaff watching EastEnders" with a little map pinpointing their house. Several weeks later they'd telling the exact same thousand odd strangers from there friends list that they're going to skeggy for the week.


And then they wonder why they've had the tv pinched upon their return..

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Why would there be any strangers in your friends on facebook?


---------- Post added 01-01-2016 at 02:05 ----------


Tinfoil hat,


To be honesty my own words cannot do it justice. That's why I invoke cleverer


Reference to authority?

Friendship strengthens with mutual awareness and time. To shorten this discussion-so I don't bore you. I'll reach for the Greek word ,"Philia". That for me

goes some way in expressing what I've learnt (up till now) about the concept of friendship". An enduring relationship that is tolerant of a person's shortcomings and their virtues.A relationship that shares with other , the same moral and ethical value system. I cannot be friends with a crook-for want of a better example. A relationship that promotes trust and loyalty and honesty. A relationship that can be left for awhile without terrible consequences.Because it is built on the accumulation of past experiences,and not the fickle and vulnerable promises of future ones.

So it's a relationship. One that is built on shared experience and time.

What need is there to examine it? We know who we like, who we spend time with, who we chose to do things with.

Now that's it. Without sounding pompous ; I think that few people examine their "friendship" in depth -let alone seek guidance from "Emerson" -et- al.

Why would one need to seek guidance in order to know what makes friendship.

If you don't know this for yourself, then you're probably a sociopath.


---------- Post added 01-01-2016 at 02:10 ----------


Throughout this thread I've been polite towards you.

Critical and dismissive was how you came across.

However, you can't cope with a discussion that goes a little deep .

It didn't.

And you just don't get it. And when you don't get it you stoop to sarcasm ("you're full of it " ).

That's not sarcasm. I think you're full of it... It being rubbish for the sake of a family forum.

I suggest you pick up just one of the sources I quote (a book) and undertake a journey of evolvement. If trying to shed some light on a concept is "being full of it ". Then fair enough matey- I'm full of it.

Wow. A book. Well, touche.

Anyway, reference to authority.

In conclusion, I figure you always like to have the last word. I mean 60,000 posts !

Ah, again, touche.

You should get out more on your bike.

Oooh, bring other threads into this one, nice tactic.

And what do you want in a thread . Some dumbed down drivel . As I've said before. Some people take a difference in opinion ,as some kind of personal insult.You are clearly in that category.

I'm really not sure what your opinion is. You seem a bit confused about the intersection of real life and social media.

It's a discussion mate. It's not a competition . But if you like to win-and clearly you do. I'll say it for you. You win. And anybody reading this thread, "He's won " ! There you go -that should increase your standing on the Sheffield Forum (Like anybody cares ).

Tinfoil hat asked me to say what "is friendship ". I'll do that for him. But I'll leave you with it first . The answer is "Philia " (Greek- it's a gem of enlightenment) You can "Wiki" it and ponder its import. Now off you go and scour the rest of the Forum. Ps. You don't have to come back-that's because you've won. 60000 posts I ask you ! What are you doing to your life !

Everybody ! He's won ! Ting-a-ling.

Right... You keep referencing my number of posts as if that's somehow important.

I don't think I've "won" something. I just think you're talking rubbish.

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---------- Post added 03-01-2016 at 01:51 ----------


If I've come across to you as "dismissive" I apologise. Taking stock,reflecting on and examining all aspects of our position in the social fabric of life, is a worthy exercise. Because it enables us to correct our shortcomings and enhances the quality of our interactions with people.

What I've endeavoured to point out, is that the nature of friendship is more complex than we ordinarily credit to it. Some of the wisest people who ever lived ,have found the concept of friendship worthy of deconstruction and examination.

In my opinion , for some people the "intersection" between real life and social media is invisible and for them social media is real life ! An aside;some multimedia experts have suggested that "virtual relationship" are a valid alternative reality !

Looking for guidance and following guidance on how one conduct one's life

is not evidence of social pathology .

This is the last on this thread from me (I mean it this time). It appears to me , that you have taken some of the "rubbish" to heart. So it goes.

PS. This is not meant to "set you off". I would have given my friend the phone. Not sold it to him.......steady on ! Ting-a-ling. Happy New Year !

Edited by petemcewan
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If I've come across to you as "dismissive" I apologise. Taking stock,reflecting on and examining all aspects of our position in the social fabric of life, is a worthy exercise. Because it enables us to correct our shortcomings and enhances the quality of our interactions with people.

What I've endeavoured to point out, is that the nature of friendship is more complex than we ordinarily credit to it. Some of the wisest people who ever lived ,have found the concept of friendship worthy of deconstruction and examination.

In my opinion , for some people the "intersection" between real life and social media is invisible and for them social media is real life ! An aside;some multimedia experts have suggested that "virtual relationship" are a valid alternative reality !

Looking for guidance and following guidance on how one conduct one's life

is not evidence of social pathology .

This is the last on this thread from me (I mean it this time). It appears to me , that you have taken some of the "rubbish" to heart. So it goes.

PS. This is not meant to "set you off". I would have given my friend the phone. Not sold it to him.......steady on ! Ting-a-ling. Happy New Year !

Cool story but regardless of your definition of 'friendship', social media is first and foremost a form of communication, in the same way that telephones, printed text and talking to the person sat next to you are forms of communication.


How do you think friendships develop in the first place, two people just sat staring at each other?

Or maybe they communicate and discover they have things in common, then it develops more from there?

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Not broken my word.Just a reference for you to read at your leisure.


"Social Networking.Addictive, Compulsive, Problematic .Or Just Another Media Habit " Robert.. LaRose, Kim and Peng.


Not sure what that has to do with anything, your claim was that Facebook friends are not real friends. I pointed out that Facebook (and social media in general) is a form of communication. What people do with it is up to them (including communicating with 'real' friends).

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I can only apologise for the break in posting for the past week.

I've been on holiday you see.


Arranged through facebook.


With friends that I interact mostly on facebook with.


Always pleasant to spend some real life time with them of course, and that probably wouldn't have happened without facebook.


Now I need to share some photos with them, using facebook.


Right tool for the right job, etc...

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I can only apologise for the break in posting for the past week.

I've been on holiday you see.


Arranged through facebook.


With friends that I interact mostly on facebook with.


Always pleasant to spend some real life time with them of course, and that probably wouldn't have happened without facebook.


Now I need to share some photos with them, using facebook.


Right tool for the right job, etc...


I'm glad to hear that you had a good time on holiday. It's been an interesting thread for me.

What propelled me to contribute to the thread was the following. When I was a teacher on North London,many of my students were teenagers. Quite a few of them went no further with their friendships than posting on Facebook.

It's been educative-thanks.

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I'm glad to hear that you had a good time on holiday. It's been an interesting thread for me.

What propelled me to contribute to the thread was the following. When I was a teacher on North London,many of my students were teenagers. Quite a few of them went no further with their friendships than posting on Facebook.

It's been educative-thanks.


Blimey, that's like... the opposite of an appeal to popularity. Are you saying that you're basing your opinion (facebook friends aren't real friends) on the fact that a few kids didn't really make 'real' friends with their Facebook friends?

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You know what I've just done. I've messaged the holiday group on facebook with a link to my video on youtube that I took on Tuesday.

I know that some of them were videoing as well, so hopefully they'll be messaging links back.

On to the next facebook event though, which is sports training this Saturday in Leeds, nice to see the approx numbers before I go.

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