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Current rumours and other baseless tosh on facebook

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Blimey, that's like... the opposite of an appeal to popularity. Are you saying that you're basing your opinion (facebook friends aren't real friends) on the fact that a few kids didn't really make 'real' friends with their Facebook friends?


I cannot (along with plethora of social scientists) think of a better cohort than teenagers ,for revealing the social import of social networking.

Have a look at, "I'd rather give up my kidney than my phone.Text, text that's all they think about:but all those hours on the phone and Facebook turning teenagers into screen enslaved social inadequates. John Henley.Teenagers and Technology .Teen Issues "(theguardian). Google it-I'm sure you'll find it. Try:

"www.acdemia.edu/21940/ The relationship between unwillingness to communicate and student's facebook use".

I'm sorry for the inconvenience. But this bloody Chrome Book seems reluctant to let me post the "Link". So you'll have to search.

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I cannot (along with plethora of social scientists) think of a better cohort than teenagers ,for revealing the social import of social networking.

Have a look at, "I'd rather give up my kidney than my phone.Text, text that's all they think about:but all those hours on the phone and Facebook turning teenagers into screen enslaved social inadequates. John Henley.Teenagers and Technology .Teen Issues "(theguardian). Google it-I'm sure you'll find it. Try:

"www.acdemia.edu/21940/ The relationship between unwillingness to communicate and student's facebook use".

I'm sorry for the inconvenience. But this bloody Chrome Book seems reluctant to let me post the "Link". So you'll have to search.


Sorry, I can't resist. Get a 'teen' to show you how to post links! :hihi::hihi:

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You know what I've just done. I've messaged the holiday group on facebook with a link to my video on youtube that I took on Tuesday.

I know that some of them were videoing as well, so hopefully they'll be messaging links back.

On to the next facebook event though, which is sports training this Saturday in Leeds, nice to see the approx numbers before I go.


You seem to be in a minority cyclone,actually using facebook for what it was intended.The only time I see it is when my other half is using it,there is a lot of rubbish on it.I don't think its important to facebook your 300 "friends" that you have just got out of bed for example.Facebookers seem to collect friends,why is that?

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Good job I posted about the training, I got several replies immediately telling me it was in Manchester and not Leeds...


---------- Post added 13-01-2016 at 08:48 ----------


I cannot (along with plethora of social scientists) think of a better cohort than teenagers ,for revealing the social import of social networking.

Have a look at, "I'd rather give up my kidney than my phone.Text, text that's all they think about:but all those hours on the phone and Facebook turning teenagers into screen enslaved social inadequates. John Henley.Teenagers and Technology .Teen Issues "(theguardian). Google it-I'm sure you'll find it. Try:

"www.acdemia.edu/21940/ The relationship between unwillingness to communicate and student's facebook use".

I'm sorry for the inconvenience. But this bloody Chrome Book seems reluctant to let me post the "Link". So you'll have to search.


How about an actual representative cross sample. If you're wanting to see how social media is used "on average" then selecting a limited sample is guaranteed to invalidate your study.

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I cannot (along with plethora of social scientists) think of a better cohort than teenagers ,for revealing the social import of social networking.

Have a look at, "I'd rather give up my kidney than my phone.Text, text that's all they think about:but all those hours on the phone and Facebook turning teenagers into screen enslaved social inadequates. John Henley.Teenagers and Technology .Teen Issues "(theguardian). Google it-I'm sure you'll find it. Try:

"www.acdemia.edu/21940/ The relationship between unwillingness to communicate and student's facebook use".

I'm sorry for the inconvenience. But this bloody Chrome Book seems reluctant to let me post the "Link". So you'll have to search.


Again, you seem to be just talking about a smaller portion of society, even then - many of those teens do use Facebook for communication purposes as well as just liking duckface photos and sharing shock/comedy/fail videos.


LOLZ @ 'social science' :hihi:

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Sorry, I can't resist. Get a 'teen' to show you how to post links! :hihi::hihi:
.I new you would post that. I'm getting to know your "personality" !!

To be honest, after a number of attempts, I can't be ar... In fact, I had a friend (not made through Facebook) visiting from London. I asked him to show me how to post a link and a file -using my Chrome. He gave up and said," Get a bloody better laptop" . He's pretty good with electronic media/communications (LOL ).

An interesting point. It's claimed that teenagers are " falling out " with Facebook and moving to other social media-and leaving their friends behind.So it goes.

Edited by petemcewan
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.I new you would post that. I'm getting to know your "personality" !!

To be honest, after a number of attempts, I can't be ar... In fact, I had a friend (not made through Facebook) visiting from London. I asked him to show me how to post a link and a file -using my Chrome. He gave up and said," Get a bloody better laptop" . He's pretty good with electronic media/communications (LOL ).

An interesting point. It's claimed that teenagers are " falling out " with Facebook and moving to other social media-and leaving their friends behind.So it goes.


---------- Post added 13-01-2016 at 14:23 ----------


.I new you would post that. I'm getting to know your "personality" !!

To be honest, after a number of attempts, I can't be ar... In fact, I had a friend (not made through Facebook) visiting from London. I asked him to show me how to post a link and a file -using my Chrome. He gave up and said," Get a bloody better laptop" . He's pretty good with electronic media/communications (LOL ).

An interesting fact. It's claimed that teenagers are " falling out " with Facebook and moving to other social media.


So good you had to post it twice eh Pete?....As long as you know it's only my silly sense of humour!...And not meant disparagingly.


My neighbours who are a retired couple, occasionally ask a 'young en' (me) to help them out with their computer...hahaha...Now that's really funny.

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So good you had to post it twice eh Pete?....As long as you know it's only my silly sense of humour!...And not meant disparagingly.


My neighbours who are a retired couple, occasionally ask a 'young en' (me) to help them out with their computer...hahaha...Now that's really funny.


Yes you are right . I need more instruction. I hate this chrome. It has a mind of its own. It jumps all over the place-without even pressing the keys !

Just an anecdote. When I taught electrical engineering in North London. It was a contractual requirement that 50% of lessons be delivered "on-line" . By the time I'd got the teenagers of the porn sites, 20 minutes of the lesson was gone !

The "young en's " were adept at the computer. But they couldn't wire a two-way and intermediate lighting circuit. So if you ever want any assistance with your lighting and power, I'm your man. " It's a laugh innit ". Cheers.


---------- Post added 13-01-2016 at 15:24 ----------




Even more scary. I've pressed something and the Chrome is now ,TALKING TO ME !!! And it's a women's voice. What is going on ? It's posting when I don't want it to -and it's talking. I robot -whatever !

Edited by petemcewan
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