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Current rumours and other baseless tosh on facebook

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Ecco, you seem to know your stuff, how do you de-select 'trending'?


Most of the time it is about someone I don't know, or a Kardashian arse expansion type nonsense, but occasionally ruins a sport result that I had recorded and was looking forward to watching later - hence I want to remove it.


For the trending topics, hover in the white space next to the item and a X will appear. You can chose for it to be removed by selecting one of the options.


As for feeds and other apps - click on the padlcock icon nearby the login/logout part and you can go through the relevant categories and choose what you see and dont see.


I will concede that you will never get rid of absolutely everything (after all a Free service obviously needs Ads to survive) but controlling it yourself and making the effort to turn off things you dont want reduces the "crap" hugely.

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Number 4 drives me crazy. Hoaxes, right wing stories especially around immigration.


I'd also like to add to the list 'Share if you care' postings, or 'see how many likes we can get for this abandonded puppy', 'Santa supports our troops, pass it forward'. (just noticed that's number 3)


So true snailyboy, I came off FB to give myself time to adjust to a few problems I had, I then found out I didn't miss the constant BS & foul language; so I deleted my account I won't go back to using it. I can keep up with my family every week when I see them, and friends when I see them.

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I was thinking about how the 'cut and paste this status' thing annoys me on social media. Often it is about something like cancer, mental illness or disability.

They often start 'most people don't care...' and follow the same format.

The message would surely mean far more if it was written in the person's own heartfelt words?

And I find it slightly patronising how they often give detailed instructions on how to copy and paste the text.

I am seriously considering unfriending the repeat offenders :|

Edited by Isabelle
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I was thinking about how this annoys me on social media. Often it is about something like cancer, mental illness or disability.

They often start 'most people don't care...' and follow the same format.

The message would surely mean far more if it was written in the person's own heartfelt words?

And I find it slightly patronising how they often give detailed instructions on how to copy and paste the text.

I am seriously considering unfriending the repeat offenders :|


It's another way of farming information from you...same as the share this and prey for that nonsense.

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