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Current rumours and other baseless tosh on facebook

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It's entirely dependant on who your friends are.


Don't be friends with people who share rubbish, or change the settings so that posts they make don't show up on your feed.


Like I said, it's not so much them but mostly other people sharing crap onto their (my friends) pages. Either that or my friends/family comment on the crap stuff and it shows up for me then.

I don't want to block it, it gives me a new avenue to tell everyone how they're all wrong :D


In seriousness though, I find it sad that we've advanced so much with technology yet many of the people who use it evidently haven't advanced.

I strongly believe that schools should be teaching critical thinking.

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It's the data harvesting ones that really irk me. Things like "Just this morning I received my £500 Aldi gift card"


Firstly, the profile it comes from is obviously fake and a couple of images on there have probably been stolen from someone's ligament legitimate profile, and secondly if you follow the link to whatever site, it's ALWAYS a case of filling in your details, including Name, address, Postode, mobile number, email address...Just so they can contact you if you win :suspect:...


People then wonder why they suddenly get an explosion of spam from every direction.


I've been into one of these sites and looked at the terms and conditions, and basically you're giving permission for them to sell or distribute your details to whoever they want for as long as they want, and you can't stop it!


How gullible are some folk?

Edited by PeteMorris
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It's the data harvesting ones that really irk me. Things like "Just this morning I received my £500 Aldi gift card"


Firstly, the profile it comes from is obviously fake and a couple of images on there have probably been stolen from someone's ligament profile, and secondly if you follow the link to whatever site, it's ALWAYS a case of filling in your details, including Name, address, Postode, mobile number, email address...Just so they can contact you if you win :suspect:...


People then wonder why they suddenly get an explosion of spam from every direction.


I've been into one of these sites and looked at the terms and conditions, and basically you're giving permission for them to sell or distribute your details to whoever they want for as long as they want, and you can't stop it!


How gullible are some folk?


So this £500 Aldi voucher, how do I get one?

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I've blocked a few friends of friends who post nonsense.


Just scanning through the top few posts on my feed there's


Something from the guardian about how people eat fish fingers - fairly meaningless

An article about how the number of women in computer science started declining in 1984 - Reasonable, although I'm not going to read it

Xmas meal photo

Star wars picture update

Someone friended someone else

Article about the Canadian prime minister and how he reacted to refugee's arriving

Article about refugee's and life vests

Couple more inconsequentials

Status about whether children should be lied to re:StClaus, interesting discussion

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It's the data harvesting ones that really irk me. Things like "Just this morning I received my £500 Aldi gift card"


Firstly, the profile it comes from is obviously fake and a couple of images on there have probably been stolen from someone's ligament profile, and secondly if you follow the link to whatever site, it's ALWAYS a case of filling in your details, including Name, address, Postode, mobile number, email address...Just so they can contact you if you win :suspect:...


People then wonder why they suddenly get an explosion of spam from every direction.


I've been into one of these sites and looked at the terms and conditions, and basically you're giving permission for them to sell or distribute your details to whoever they want for as long as they want, and you can't stop it!


How gullible are some folk?


That's not on, is it?


If I were you Mr Pete I'd complain to the NHS... :huh:


EDIT: Oops... I'm going to have to learn to type a bit faster! ;)

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