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Current rumours and other baseless tosh on facebook

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Why? Just because something has happened once doesn't mean that it's not unlikely.


For someone who has stated they don't care about children's photos on Facebook, you seem to care very deeply!


nah, I don't lose sleep over it so I don't care that much! just my personal preference and my choice. as I said, each to their own.

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In reply to the OP I think all that tosh can be summed up as "emotion porn". I suspect that some people are living vicariously through the web rather than actually going outside and experiencing real life and real emotions.


I don't know why facebook is such an appalling magnet for this phenomenon though.

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In reply to the OP I think all that tosh can be summed up as "emotion porn". I suspect that some people are living vicariously through the web rather than actually going outside and experiencing real life and real emotions.


I don't know why facebook is such an appalling magnet for this phenomenon though.


Emotion Porn brings to mind posts like "Can't believe it. Happenening again :("

With no further details, with responses like "Why what's up?!!", "Hope you're okay chic xxx", "Bless", "Be strong" etc.

Why do people do this?

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In reply to the OP I think all that tosh can be summed up as "emotion porn". I suspect that some people are living vicariously through the web rather than actually going outside and experiencing real life and real emotions.


I don't know why facebook is such an appalling magnet for this phenomenon though.


My OH calls it an online knocking shop! :o He hates FB

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...unless they look more into it like Billy did.


Might point was that those who don't make any security efforts are at greater risk, enough that insurance companies sometimes look into your Facebook activity if a claim has been made.


Well, it's up to you to manage your paranoia. Personally I trust my friends not to burgle the place and the risk of a random burgling inclined 3rd party who 'happens' to oversee my status and then has enough intelligence to find out my address is one I'm willing to take.


---------- Post added 16-12-2015 at 11:43 ----------


Emotion Porn brings to mind posts like "Can't believe it. Happenening again :("

With no further details, with responses like "Why what's up?!!", "Hope you're okay chic xxx", "Bless", "Be strong" etc.

Why do people do this?


To get attention.


In exactly the same way that the same person would say the same thing in a conversation.


Facebook doesn't change who people are, it's just another means of communication.


---------- Post added 16-12-2015 at 11:45 ----------


You have to remember that the vast majority of people don't have privacy settings on so it would be far easier for them to be a target than Cheryl's Aunty.


Everyone SHOULD have privacy settings configured, it's not like they're a new or hard to find feature.

And they totally remove the risk of advertising your status to the general public (who of course don't know where you live anyway).


More people on SF can probably figure out I'm on holiday (when I stop posting for a week) than can find out through facebook. I don't worry that you're all going to be trying to burgle my house though.

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Well, it's up to you to manage your paranoia. Personally I trust my friends not to burgle the place and the risk of a random burgling inclined 3rd party who 'happens' to oversee my status and then has enough intelligence to find out my address is one I'm willing to take.

I've got nothing to be paranoid about, I don't publish any personal details or whereabouts. I was talking about people who do.

Everyone SHOULD have privacy settings configured, it's not like they're a new or hard to find feature.

And they totally remove the risk of advertising your status to the general public (who of course don't know where you live anyway).


More people on SF can probably figure out I'm on holiday (when I stop posting for a week) than can find out through facebook. I don't worry that you're all going to be trying to burgle my house though.

I don't have privacy settings on (simply because there's nothing I need to guard). My wife does but even then she waits until we get back from holiday to post pics and talk about it.

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Don't go on it. It's a 21st Century portal to hell. People would be better off cultivating some real friends. Getting out more and developing the interpersonal skills necessary for genuine social interaction.

Go out in the street and shake a person's hand -and see how long it takes to get arrested. We laugh!!

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