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They're all praying to the same god!

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Have you not even understood any part of my post on rationality?


Based on your worldview of atheism =naturalism/materialism, we are nothing but a process of random blind forces, molecules, physical particles etc.


So how do we account for our minds- our rationality?




It's quite funny you've been clinging on to this for a while as if it's some magic question that catches us out! As if you're onto something!

Edited by flamingjimmy
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It's quite funny you've been clinging on to this for a while as if it's some magic question that catches us out! As if you're onto something!


It's very funny what people who are religious will cling onto to justify their beliefs. I used to regularly catch a train to work with a colleague who was a devout Christian and unwavering believer in all things written in the Bible, including Creation. We used to have some interesting discussions.


One I remember in particular surrounded the fact that we now know for sure that the Sun is not alone as a star and countless billions exist that are way too far away for humankind ever to visit them. So if everything was created for the benefit of humankind, what was the point? The answer - navigation apparently! These massive balls of gas and fire are solely for the benefit of sailors. The argument of 'wouldn't it have been easier to make much smaller balls a lot nearer as it would have exactly the same effect' was, as with most religious arguments, passed off as us being unable to understand God's reasoning.

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It's very funny what people who are religious will cling onto to justify their beliefs. I used to regularly catch a train to work with a colleague who was a devout Christian and unwavering believer in all things written in the Bible, including Creation. We used to have some interesting discussions.


One I remember in particular surrounded the fact that we now know for sure that the Sun is not alone as a star and countless billions exist that are way too far away for humankind ever to visit them. So if everything was created for the benefit of humankind, what was the point? The answer - navigation apparently! These massive balls of gas and fire are solely for the benefit of sailors. The argument of 'wouldn't it have been easier to make much smaller balls a lot nearer as it would have exactly the same effect' was, as with most religious arguments, passed off as us being unable to understand God's reasoning.


Also blatantly ignoring the issue of the visible stars in the universe make up something ridiculously small like less than 1% of the total stars*


*I'm not sure of the actual percentage as I'm not really an expert on astronomy, but I had the good fortune recently to see a very good documentary on the subject which went into quite alot of detail.

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Also blatantly ignoring the issue of the visible stars in the universe make up something ridiculously small like less than 1% of the total stars*


*I'm not sure of the actual percentage as I'm not really an expert on astronomy, but I had the good fortune recently to see a very good documentary on the subject which went into quite alot of detail.


It gets better.

Parts of the universe are moving away from us faster than the speed of light, and so can never have any form of contact with us.

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So space created the big bang and has always been there, so space is god and god is eternal and gave us enough space for us to exist, ah I see now! thank you Lord.


No, space is space, God (as far as all evidence suggests) is just one of the thousands of fictional gods and deities created by man.

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It gets better.

Parts of the universe are moving away from us faster than the speed of light, and so can never have any form of contact with us.


The real nub of all this as an argument is that, if science cannot answer everything, such as exactly how the universe came into being, that's because it was impossible and therefore must be the work of God.


However, if a religious person cannot answer everything, such as why God would create things that we cannot see/visit/benefit from and, in many respects, are counter productive to our very existence (such as Ebola), then that is simply because we cannot know God's will.


Is it just me or is that not just plain stupid?

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The real nub of all this as an argument is that, if science cannot answer everything, such as exactly how the universe came into being, that's because it was impossible and therefore must be the work of God.


However, if a religious person cannot answer everything, such as why God would create things that we cannot see/visit/benefit from and, in many respects, are counter productive to our very existence (such as Ebola), then that is simply because we cannot know God's will.


Is it just me or is that not just plain stupid?


Nope that's a pretty rational summary. I think you should follow the advice in your signature :hihi:

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  • 3 weeks later...
Have you not even understood any part of my post on rationality?


Based on your worldview of atheism =naturalism/materialism, we are nothing but a process of random blind forces, molecules, physical particles etc.


So how do we account for our minds- our rationality?


There are hundreds if not millions of creatures/species that have survived better than us- basic survival has always been this goal (hence survival of the fittest).


So think about it, truth is not necessary for survival. Both truth and false beliefs can result in survival- to give you an example, its highly unlikely that the survival cockroaches has been due to them getting together and discussing quantum mechanics..


Whereas our survival has been due to learning, to better understand the universe and our planet.


To distinguish between fact and fiction/ truths and falsehoods/ reality and non reality.


So we have been given the ability to make rational decisions to survive- hence our knowledge is acquired through our senses and abilities to use logic and reason.


We would not be here otherwise and the atheism= naturalism/materialism worldview fails massively as to why this is the case.


In addition, we don't use science to gain knowledge on everything.


Some of you lean heavily towards scientism and this in itself has nothing to do with science.


Where on Earth do you get this 'atheism= naturalism/materialism worldview' catchphrase from from?

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