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They're all praying to the same god!

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Does that mean the usual "I shall ignore most because I can't answer them but give a response, in some form, to others - possibly misquoting famous scientists along the way"




No it means I am very busy person who also has to manage a family and spend time with my precious kids/wife ...after work.

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Lets get to the bottom- the OP suggested (with no evidence) that the universe doesn't need a creator as science has shown this (??)


Science says no such thing on this matter- I think it is more to do with the usual atheist agenda which is to discredit anything that shows their viewpoint is built on flimsy ground.


I also notice from other posts/threads the OP seems to typically have a problem with religion- I mean- mentioning the usual 'religions kill each other' blah blah was enough evidence- don't mind if I ask, can you provide a scholarly reference to this - that religions have killed more people than, say, non religious ideologies.


So- as I was saying, the OP has stated the universe came about from nothing- by nothing, it needed no cause...



But those are just words- and many scientists (some atheists) don't even go anywhere near this assertion... so how did the OP make this conclusion.


Hence the question- we accept laws exist- but you cannot explain these but just say these are there. Yes we know that.


We have laws here on our land- laws people make.


Countries worldwide have laws- the universe has laws, without which we would not even be here.


I am rational enough to study this and ponder more than to just distance myself and conclude that 'it just is' or 'they just exist'.


I conclude for now to quote Sir Peter Medawar:


That there is indeed a limit upon science is made very likely by the existence of questions that science cannot answer & that no conceivable advance of science would empower it to answer It is not to science, but to metaphysics, imaginative literature or religion that we must turn for answers to questions having to do with first and last things.’
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god/creator created the creator because everything created has a creator, god is the creator of everything including its self, science says the big bang, but what created the big bang? god/creator did because it was a creation


where did it begin? with god/creator of course, god/creator is everything because god/creator is part of the creation. who says it has to begin maybe its always been there.


to keep your faith in god is to keep your faith in everything and that obviously includes ourselves which is the most important bit because we are in charge of life e.g we get to decide if we and everything else exist.


take away us humans and what do we have from a learning what everything means point of view? nothing. we made it all up to fit in with how we learn. so if everything stayed the same and we never existed what would it be? nothing.

Everything created as a creater, that doesn't mean that everything must have been created. The vacume of space had no beginning and it won't have an end, it just exists and has always existed, and every now and then a universe imerges from it. There are very likley to be infinate universes in existance and infinate universes that once existed but no longer do.

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Lets get to the bottom- the OP suggested (with no evidence) that the universe doesn't need a creator as science has shown this (??)


Science says no such thing on this matter- I think it is more to do with the usual atheist agenda which is to discredit anything that shows their viewpoint is built on flimsy ground.


I also notice from other posts/threads the OP seems to typically have a problem with religion- I mean- mentioning the usual 'religions kill each other' blah blah was enough evidence- don't mind if I ask, can you provide a scholarly reference to this - that religions have killed more people than, say, non religious ideologies.


So- as I was saying, the OP has stated the universe came about from nothing- by nothing, it needed no cause...



But those are just words- and many scientists (some atheists) don't even go anywhere near this assertion... so how did the OP make this conclusion.


Hence the question- we accept laws exist- but you cannot explain these but just say these are there. Yes we know that.


We have laws here on our land- laws people make.


Countries worldwide have laws- the universe has laws, without which we would not even be here.


I am rational enough to study this and ponder more than to just distance myself and conclude that 'it just is' or 'they just exist'.



I thought you were too busy.



The discovery that the total energy of the universe is zero is relatively new. It's been hypothesised for decades but the numbers didn't add up. Now they do.

This adds substantially to the case for spontaneous cosmogenesis.


---------- Post added 15-12-2015 at 18:52 ----------


So you acknowledge the existence of Yahweh?


Great, end of discussion


Bye then. :wave:

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Well big bang has the same problem, if big bang turned the universe into what it is today, what created the big bang?


You see the game can be played at both sides. At least I never propose that believing in God answers this question.


But having debated some people of 'science' the argument tends to be circular.


The vacume of space caused the big bang.

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