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They're all praying to the same god!

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Regardless of whether the exact origins of the universe can be proved the ramblings of primative middle easterners a few thousand years ago on the subject don't make any short list of possible explantions.


It would have made far more sense for Yahweh to pick a messenger in China where people could already read and write. Then there might have been an accurate record of what he'd said and all this bickering over minutia could have been avoided.

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The vacume of space caused the big bang.




Can you provide an accepted and peer reviewed scientific link for this.


Just a reminder, the defintion of science (from Oxford dictionary) is :

“the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.”




---------- Post added 15-12-2015 at 21:34 ----------


I thought you were too busy.



The discovery that the total energy of the universe is zero is relatively new. It's been hypothesised for decades but the numbers didn't add up. Now they do.

This adds substantially to the case for spontaneous cosmogenesis.


yes busy busy most times- but given what time I get I try to use wisely.


Hypothesised- okay.




But it doesn't answer my questions brought on by your assertions- that science proves God doesn't exist and the universe did not need a 'creator' and that nothing made the universe..or something like that.

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It would have made far more sense for Yahweh to pick a messenger in China where people could already read and write. Then there might have been an accurate record of what he'd said and all this bickering over minutia could have been avoided.


Indeed. For an all powerful superbeing that created everything he seems to have been a tad clumsy as to where his various creations were on the evolutionary curve in revealing his various 'final messages' to. If i were super god 'can they read and write?' Would have been high in my list of questions to ask before giving the 'i'm only going to say this once' speech.

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Can you provide an accepted and peer reviewed scientific link for this.



Its a better explanation than a make believe God did it.


Just look at the facts.


1. The vacume of space exists and its very unlikley that at some point it didn't exist, so its always been there.

2. God doesn't exist.


Of the two which is more likley to have caused the big bang, something we know exists or someone that doesn't exist.


---------- Post added 15-12-2015 at 22:02 ----------


Indeed. For an all powerful superbeing that created everything he seems to have been a tad clumsy as to where his various creations were on the evolutionary curve in revealing his various 'final messages' to. If i were super god 'can they read and write?' Would have been high in my list of questions to ask before giving the 'i'm only going to say this once' speech.




Also not a very powerfull God if it can only tell one cave dweller instead of telling everyone at the same time.

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It would have made far more sense for Yahweh to pick a messenger in China where people could already read and write. Then there might have been an accurate record of what he'd said and all this bickering over minutia could have been avoided.


Have you been listening to Mr Hitchens?

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Lets get to the bottom- the OP suggested (with no evidence) that the universe doesn't need a creator as science has shown this (??)


Science says no such thing on this matter- I think it is more to do with the usual atheist agenda which is to discredit anything that shows their viewpoint is built on flimsy ground.


What an odd thing to say :suspect:


The atheist viewpoint (simply life without belief in any gods) isn't 'built' on anything, it's how we're born.

We just haven't 'built' any beliefs about supernatural supreme beings, in its place (or some of us have, but then discarded them again, usually when reaching an age old enough to think rationally about such matters for oneself).

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Here we are in the 21st century and still the tribal religions are fighting each other and claiming one upmanship,the one God seems to have made his subjects shallow selfish and down right pathetic.it's as if they don't all bleed red.


And you are a perfect example of an intolerant non believer. :rolleyes:

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