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They're all praying to the same god!

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Originally Posted by unbeliever View Post


You're not god are you?




Lol no, I'm not even a Theist I'm afraid.



Has Ghostbusters taught you nothing? If someone asks you if you are a God you say "Yes!"


After all, there's as much chance of that as there being any other.

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To rootsbooster

The posts quoted above are taking the **** out of religious people IMO...


So religion should now be protected from humour? I'll become a jedi then as I don't like anyone taking the mickey out of me as I get upset. Sorted. I didn't know it was so easy.


You cannot expect a religion to go unchallenged by people who do not believe.

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Its a better explanation than a make believe God did it.


Just look at the facts.


1. The vacume of space exists and its very unlikley that at some point it didn't exist, so its always been there.

2. God doesn't exist.


Of the two which is more likley to have caused the big bang, something we know exists or someone that doesn't exist.


---------- Post added 15-12-2015 at 22:02 ----------





Also not a very powerfull God if it can only tell one cave dweller instead of telling everyone at the same time.




No rationality behind your post as usual.


You make claims and are pretty much just 'I suppose so' ...'they must have been there' blah blah.


Then (in bold) you make a postive claim- please provide a positive answer.


No emotional reasons.

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To rootsbooster

The posts quoted above are taking the **** out of religious people IMO...


Techincally, taking the **** out of their beliefs, but even if they're mocking the people... that's hardly intolerance.


If your neighbour went out in the garden every single day and arranged a series of empty buckets to attract the thoughts from the great Sun Unicorn he believed in, I suspect you would have a chuckle about it or at least think his beliefs are silly. You could go further and tell him you think what he's doing is stupid, you'd still be tolerating it though.


A man might say that he doesn't like Asians simply because of their skin colour, even though he employs 3 of them and even let them have an unused office as a prayer room (they're Muslim), but comments that their beliefs are silly.


He would be racist but he wouldn't be intolerant.

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What an odd thing to say :suspect:


The atheist viewpoint (simply life without belief in any gods) isn't 'built' on anything, it's how we're born.

We just haven't 'built' any beliefs about supernatural supreme beings, in its place (or some of us have, but then discarded them again, usually when reaching an age old enough to think rationally about such matters for oneself).


RB- there are many views taken up based on the atheistic worldview.


Also you have no evidence to suggest we are born without belief.

In fact, I would argue we have many reasons to believe we have been given the tools to discover (using our rational miinds/logic etc).


Now a question to you and others who subscribe to the position of atheism which is based on naturalism and materialism (this will also help shed some evidence on my first paragraph above).


If we are a product of random, irrational, dead physical stuff, nothing but molecules and a blind physical force etc, then how do you even account for rationality>?


How can we have this rationality to allow us to think and use our cognitive faculties if we are nothing but molecules- if that is the case from the atheistic worldview- then how can you even trust your MIND?


So when FlammingJimmy laughs when I say 'I use my rational capability' my 'rational mind'- the irony is that he cannot even explain why we have this rationality in the first place?!


Which goes back to the OP- the Universe is intelligible - it is there for us to study etc and we do. We have distinctive laws like gravity, electro magnetic force etc and we can make sense out of some of this by our RATIONAL MIND.


We talk about a universe which is ordered, governed by very disctinctive laws, even laws of logic, mathematics- which allows us to understand the universe itself.


Naturalism doesn't have a foot in the door when it comes to explaining these realities.


So no offense, but I actually find it amusing when atheists come on here trying to sound all rational and make accussations that theists are deluded (may be some are- I give you that).


But based on our rational senses, the universe and how we ourselves can use our logic etc to make deductions- this in itself is something that does not fit in with the atheistic worldview.

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RB- there are many views taken up based on the atheistic worldview.


Also you have no evidence to suggest we are born without belief.

In fact, I would argue we have many reasons to believe we have been given the tools to discover (using our rational miinds/logic etc).


Now a question to you and others who subscribe to the position of atheism which is based on naturalism and materialism (this will also help shed some evidence on my first paragraph above).


If we are a product of random, irrational, dead physical stuff, nothing but molecules and a blind physical force etc, then how do you even account for rationality>?


How can we have this rationality to allow us to think and use our cognitive faculties if we are nothing but molecules- if that is the case from the atheistic worldview- then how can you even trust your MIND?


So when FlammingJimmy laughs when I say 'I use my rational capability' my 'rational mind'- the irony is that he cannot even explain why we have this rationality in the first place?!


Which goes back to the OP- the Universe is intelligible - it is there for us to study etc and we do. We have distinctive laws like gravity, electro magnetic force etc and we can make sense out of some of this by our RATIONAL MIND.


We talk about a universe which is ordered, governed by very disctinctive laws, even laws of logic, mathematics- which allows us to understand the universe itself.


Naturalism doesn't have a foot in the door when it comes to explaining these realities.


So no offense, but I actually find it amusing when atheists come on here trying to sound all rational and make accussations that theists are deluded (may be some are- I give you that).


But based on our rational senses, the universe and how we ourselves can use our logic etc to make deductions- this in itself is something that does not fit in with the atheistic worldview.


The problem is that you have no evidence to prove we were born WITH belief, so around we go. The difference is that science specifically questions itself, has peer reviews, updated studies using improved techniques. So when science gets it wrong, it more often than admits it and changes. Religion does none of these things and logic would dictate that in a world where no one can 100% prove the existence of God or not, that the area who challenges their own assumptions and questions is more likely to be believable than those who do not. I can guarantee that scientists all over the world are desperately trying to PROVE God DOES exist, as the pure kudos points alone would make them one of the greatest legends in the history of humanity, yet none have come even close, because if they had, it would be the biggest news story of any of our lives.

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RB- there are many views taken up based on the atheistic worldview.

There are atheists with many views, the only one that atheism itself has is simply life without belief in any gods.

Also you have no evidence to suggest we are born without belief.

In fact, I would argue we have many reasons to believe we have been given the tools to discover (using our rational miinds/logic etc).

The proof is born every day. No child reaches a talking age and suddenly says "We should pray to Jesus Christ/Vishnu/Zeus, I feel his love within me" without external influences. If that were the case then there wouldn't be so many different religions and atheists, everybody would believe in God and everybody would believe in the same God.


I was born without belief, the first I heard about any gods was at school. The same goes for my son, I never spoke to him about gods or theism until he asked me one day after school (it had been brought up in a lesson).


You may well argue we have many reasons to believe but that's hardly an argument that we are born with belief.


Now a question to you and others who subscribe to the position of atheism which is based on naturalism and materialism (this will also help shed some evidence on my first paragraph above).

Atheism is my default position, from birth. My absence of belief in gods isn't based on anything and makes no claims about anything, which makes the rest of your post pretty redundant.


Would you mind answering the questions I asked you in post #28?

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To rootsbooster

The posts quoted above are taking the **** out of religious people IMO...


Mocking their ludicrous beliefs is not attacking the people. Most religions have slagging off other religions ingrained in them anyway (christianity and islam are massive offenders on that score especially) so it would be rather hypocritical of their adherents to demand their faith be exempt from mockery while denouncing everyone elses faith as wrong.


If you're right and the islamic take on superbeings is correct then i'm getting tortured for all eternity for thinking its a load of obvious twaddle so your indulgence in a little light ribbing of said torturer on a internet board is not an unreasonable trade off is it?

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No rationality behind your post as usual.


You make claims and are pretty much just 'I suppose so' ...'they must have been there' blah blah.


Then (in bold) you make a postive claim- please provide a positive answer.


No emotional reasons.



No such words were ever spoken and all authenticated reports have no mention of this.



You called me a liar for pointing out something Muhammad said, I supplied the quote and the source but you chose not to appolagise and now you cliam my post isn't based on rationality.


The universe exists, the vacume exists, the universe can imerge from a vacume, yet you choose the irational beliefe that an imaginary God created the universe. You should look more at your own irational beliefs.

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