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Dog mess in Sheffield or anywhere – when is it OK to allow?

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It’s a strange one with the police horses isn’t it. You can’t expect coppers to jump off the horses with carrier bags to clean it all up can you? Imagine in the middle of a big brawl outside football having to do that!! But on the other hand it is a problem and someone has to clean it up. OK so let’s get our ‘finkin caps’ on about what we can do. How about getting the criminals of society to sort it all out? Like, chain them to the police horse and when it ‘does a toilet’ they must blast it with one of them powerhose things. People could throw rotten fruit at them as they did it and it might make people think twice about getting a job as a criminal. Hopefully Cameron or whoever reads this.


@ohmyword, thanks for responding to this.


Would the chaining of criminals to police horses while a big brawl was ongoing be safe though (for the police horse)? Think Orgreave.

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A lot of dog owners only pick up their dog's excrement if they think somebody is watching them ...


I think that is only a small minority; people with more than one dog is the most likely.

If you are walking 2+ dogs, and you get chatting to someone. I walk my dog at various times of the day, most people use their cars 24/7, dog owners find dog poo on pavements disgusting too.

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