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Campaign grows to switch the building of HS2 station to Sheffield city

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1 hour ago, Resident said:

I was under the impression that it was a miltary ship, based on it's procurement via the MOD & on that point, I stand corrected.

However the key word in all of your statement is the word  'WAS'.  i.e no longer is, you use it several times. 

Many things in history made significant impact and changes courses of development for the better, the majority of them we no longer use because they've been superseded by further developments and are obsolete.

Industry is one of the fastest evolving areas of development in the known universe & Sheffield failed to evolve with it, again largely because of it's failed leadership. That leadership, whilst virtue-signalling it's own progressive-ness forgot one vital element, actual progression. 

Do you insult old soldiers too then because they are not the men they used to be and have been superseded by better?  Perhaps pensioners should be discarded and insulted because their former efforts are now out of date.

I still consider your post to be insulting to the city and to the citizens of Sheffield.

I am no lover of Sheffield city council and never thought I would find myself defending them but how long has it been the councils job to invest in Industry and especially to re-equip heavy industry for modern times?  

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10 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

1. Do you insult old soldiers too then because they are not the men they used to be and have been superseded by better?  Perhaps pensioners should be discarded and insulted because their former efforts are now out of date.

2. I still consider your post to be insulting to the city and to the citizens of Sheffield.

3. I am no lover of Sheffield city council and never thought I would find myself defending them but how long has it been the councils job to invest in Industry and especially to re-equip heavy industry for modern times?  

1. If we were about to go to war and people were suggesting they go fight, then yes I would state that they're no longer fit & that the new generation of soldiers should now take the mantle

2. It's only insulting to those that lack the intelligence to realise the city isn't what it once was and that it's citizens aren't moving on from the past and looking to the future by adapting.
3. It's the councils job to have a development plan that doesn't hinge on the past, to realise the vision that Sheffield is still the powerhouse it once was isn't the reality today. To have a new vision and attract new industry and stop relying on 'heavy industry' as Sheffield's back-bone. 

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This thread is about Britain's railways and it was the right wing Governments of this country who ran them down, not our left wing council.

1.  Fortunately, with this Tory government in charge, we are not going to war,  I am talking about insulting a city and it's people who were the best in the world at what they did.

2.  Everyone knows that the city isn't what it was and neither is any other city either because the whole country has been allowed to  wither.

3. The council will tell you they do have a development plan and look at the changes in the City centre.

This is simply a right wing rant at anyone with left wing views.

Countries like China and Japan are not leading us because of a left wing Sheffield council but because of a right wing Tory Government.



Edited by Organgrinder
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I am not a council basher but it is sad to see the poor decision making that has gone on. Two examples of other councils being more far looking.

Leeds- invested heavily in road infrastructure specifically opening up the East side of the city and the amount of businesses that have taken advantage of the opportunity is amazing. The last major road system I can recall in Sheffield was Derek Dooley way.

Liverpool- with Liverpool One being built in the city centre rather than being redirected to the out skirts as in Meadowhall.

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7 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

This thread is about Britain's railways and it was the right wing Governments of this country who ran them down, not our left wing council.

1.  Fortunately, with this Tory government in charge, we are not going to war,  I am talking about insulting a city and it's people who were the best in the world at what they did.

2.  Everyone knows that the city isn't what it was and neither is any other city either because the whole country has been allowed to  wither.

3. The council will tell you they do have a development plan and look at the changes in the City centre.

This is simply a right wing rant at anyone with left wing views.

Countries like China and Japan are not leading us because of a left wing Sheffield council but because of a right wing Tory Government.



Probably worth pointing out that the British Transport Commission, formed in 1949 by Labour, had a remit to amalgamate the mess of lines and services that was the railways at the time. Lines were closed throughout the 1950s and continued with the famous Beeching report in 1963, which accelerated the cuts running up to 1970 through the two Labour governments at the time.


Every government has managed to make a mess of the railways.

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1 minute ago, the_bloke said:

Probably worth pointing out that the British Transport Commission, formed in 1949 by Labour, had a remit to amalgamate the mess of lines and services that was the railways at the time. Lines were closed throughout the 1950s and continued with the famous Beeching report in 1963, which accelerated the cuts running up to 1970 through the two Labour governments at the time.


Every government has managed to make a mess of the railways.

I fully agree.

I have already stated that our Governments, both Labour & Conservative are equally to blame for the state of our railway system along with the shortage of good housing and elderly care etc.

We are in the shocking position that we have no one at all to vote for in order to turn this country around and really start competing with the rest of the world.

Local politicians are very often incompetent but our national politicians are almost criminally so.

Whilst the country waits for someone to restore it, they are all busy playing stupid and often childish politics and always refuse to work together for the good of the  nation. 

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There is a great deal of disilluisionment on here about politics and our politicians.


I would encourage everyone at the next General Election to spoil their voting paper so as to send a message out there that the system in this country needs drastic surgery. 


At present voting for one party or another doesn't work. This has been proved over and over again.


Next time do something different and exert your authority. 

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On 21/11/2021 at 03:03, Annie Bynnol said:

...Sheffield will have has lost direct access to every airport.




Really? Even via the motorways to Ringway, Yeadon, Heathrow, and East Midlands? And the newish roads to Robin Hood Maid Marion Uncle Tom Cobley Doncaster Where'sThat OhYesNear Sheffield Airport?

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29 minutes ago, Jeffrey Shaw said:

Really? Even via the motorways to Ringway, Yeadon, Heathrow, and East Midlands? And the newish roads to Robin Hood Maid Marion Uncle Tom Cobley Doncaster Where'sThat OhYesNear Sheffield Airport?

Would that be the 80 mile Motorway journey between Meadowhall and Manchester Airport?



I have read through the Integrated Rail Plan for the North and Midlands and cars are referred to as a problem not a solution.

The two mentions are:

"The plan will take significant volumes of passengers and freight away from petrol or diesel cars and trucks onto clean, electric trains."

"Better connectivity with local and regional services will allow more journeys to be made easily without a car."

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1 hour ago, Jeffrey Shaw said:

Really? Even via the motorways to Ringway, Yeadon, Heathrow, and East Midlands? And the newish roads to Robin Hood Maid Marion Uncle Tom Cobley Doncaster Where'sThat OhYesNear Sheffield Airport?

I thought the idea was to encourage using public transport . As Annie says it is a somewhat long route to Manchester by the motorway and the section of road at the end of the woodhead pass can be a right pain in especially if you have a plane to catch

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