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Campaign grows to switch the building of HS2 station to Sheffield city

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Guest busdriver1

I love this thread.

Wake up!

It is going to cause inconvenience to HS2 passengers to have to stop at all at the "City of Sport". but it has been included I would imagine to shut up the locals and give a chance to anybody who MAY want to open a business at an area where there is building land available but without causing too much of a delay to business people travelling to major centres like Leeds.

By styling Sheffield as a city of sport they have sent a clear message out.

HS2 will not be serving minor villages, Hamlets and small insignificant towns and cities.

Be grateful our kids will be able to go to meadowhall with a flask and sandwiches to watch the fast shiny trains going to important places then go to a sporting event on the way home.

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I do know that some of the council's layouts and track alignments seem to have been left deliberately vague, they have focused their case of the economic factors which will surely win them the day of anything does.


That is until someone calculates the extra time it will take to get in and out of the city centre via their route, at which point they'll be told to FRO.

or they'll baulk at the extra cost of it.


Either way, it's a non-starter.

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it's a very expensive way to save 20 minutes, but what's the bet it'll 'save' an hour against the existing line by then because someone at DaFT will decide the midland mainline service can be 'improved' by stopping every train at all the little shacks like Market Harborough.

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I'm sure the residents there would be delighted at getting more trains, but from here the best ones are the ones that just stop at Derby and Leicester, getting to London in 2 hours. Came back last Sunday, stopped at every lamp-post, taking 3 hours... tedious, to say the least!

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it's a very expensive way to save 20 minutes, but what's the bet it'll 'save' an hour against the existing line by then because someone at DaFT will decide the midland mainline service can be 'improved' by stopping every train at all the little shacks like Market Harborough.


You are absolutely right because that what they intend to do as planned, as advertised, openly and with the support of the operators and users. No conspiracy here.


The "nimby" continually feed into the media the "speed for wealthy for billions" idea which gets the headlines and still gets repeated on here. They run a very good campaign to protect their interests.


The intention of HS2 plan is to use the capacity released on the MML to offer much needed services and alternatives including more stops at more stations along the route as well as more routes.

It is especially important to Sheffield as it puts us in a far more competitive position as the services to Leeds and Manchester are more frequent, faster and more comfortable.

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That is until someone calculates the extra time it will take to get in and out of the city centre via their route, at which point they'll be told to FRO.

or they'll baulk at the extra cost of it.


Either way, it's a non-starter.


I wouldn't be so sure if the Tories do follow through with their plans for Northern Powerhouse rail then the case begins to become even more powerful for a city centre station. The alternative might be that all these new routes bypass Sheffield city centre which puts Sheffield at a major disadvantage - while the cynics here will say that the government's plan all along if we don't make the case the whole of South Yorkshire will be a domitory county.

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I wouldn't be so sure if the Tories do follow through with their plans for Northern Powerhouse rail then the case begins to become even more powerful for a city centre station.


The 'Northern Powerhouse' is generally cited as Manchester, Leeds, Newcastle

putting silly little Sheffield in the way of trains to Leeds isn't going to be viewed favourably.

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The 'Northern Powerhouse' is generally cited as Manchester, Leeds, Newcastle

putting silly little Sheffield in the way of trains to Leeds isn't going to be viewed favourably.


Troll much?


The Northern Powerhouse includes all cities regions even Hull. Manchester is leading the way in it's progress towards Osbourne's plan with city region mayors. Sheffield is actually closer to achieving a city deal than any other area.

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