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Campaign grows to switch the building of HS2 station to Sheffield city

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I apologise for not accurately remembering all of your opinions.


No, wait. I don't. You'll just have to live with it if I get one wrong. :roll:


You say that as though I ought to care. I'm happy for you to demostrate to the world just what sort of a person you are.


Lack of knowledge has never stopped you commenting on anything. It has just stopped you commenting accurately.

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Compared to the numbers going Birmingham-London though it is tiny


Agreed. But considering there were enough to fill a 5 carriage coach to the point of bursting in both directions, as HS2 is about capacity as much as speed, I think it's safe to say it is as important.

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Agreed. But considering there were enough to fill a 5 carriage coach to the point of bursting in both directions, as HS2 is about capacity as much as speed, I think it's safe to say it is as important.


There are two trains an hour between Sheffield and Birmingham


There are six trains an hour between Birmingham and London Euston of which some are much longer Pendolinos, there are also two an hour between Birmingham Moor St and London Marylebone.


To say Sheffield-Birmingham is just as "important" as Birmingham-London is not true in the slightest, hence why HS2 will start from the south and work up.

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There are two trains an hour between Sheffield and Birmingham


There are six trains an hour between Birmingham and London Euston of which some are much longer Pendolinos, there are also two an hour between Birmingham Moor St and London Marylebone.


To say Sheffield-Birmingham is just as "important" as Birmingham-London is not true in the slightest, hence why HS2 will start from the south and work up.


I didn't say the route was as important. I said the necessity to improve it was as important. And possibly easier to achieve. Simply adding an extra train an hour between Sheffield and Brum will increase capacity by 50%. You'd need three extra to do that to London.

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There are two trains an hour between Sheffield and Birmingham


There are six trains an hour between Birmingham and London Euston of which some are much longer Pendolinos, there are also two an hour between Birmingham Moor St and London Marylebone.


To say Sheffield-Birmingham is just as "important" as Birmingham-London is not true in the slightest, hence why HS2 will start from the south and work up.


The big danger of course is that the project will run way over budget and in a few years they will decide to put the northern link on hold. Indeed this was probably the plan all along but for political reasons the north was included.


The danger there is that a vast amount of money is spent improving the rail infrastructure from Birmingham to London which leaves nothing for the infrastructure uo here. The alternative would have been to spend the money on improvements to what we have, and in particular between Sheffield and Manchester. That way the project would be providing benefits to the region in a few years and not a pie in the sky benefit in a few decades.

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I didn't say the route was as important. I said the necessity to improve it was as important. And possibly easier to achieve. Simply adding an extra train an hour between Sheffield and Brum will increase capacity by 50%. You'd need three extra to do that to London.


There isnt any capacity on the line to do that, I dont think. And nobody has been talking about doing that as part of this Northern Powerhouse stuff so I cant see it happening anytime soon.

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There isnt any capacity on the line to do that, I dont think. And nobody has been talking about doing that as part of this Northern Powerhouse stuff so I cant see it happening anytime soon.


I do not understand this problem with line capacity. You can buy cars that drive themselves and there are trains with the same technology. By having self driving trains linked by computer the one in front it should be possible to run trains closer together. Even putting the motors under the floor eliminates the need for an up front engine and increases passenger capacity. We are talking about the technology of 20-30 years ahead, not what we have now.

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There isnt any capacity on the line to do that, I dont think. And nobody has been talking about doing that as part of this Northern Powerhouse stuff so I cant see it happening anytime soon.


Err... quite... That's why HS2 is happening. Or did you just miss the point of this thread? ;)


Ultimately the only reason it will be built south to north is that, when they run out of money after the Birmingham links they can just say 'Sorry, we'll have to shelve this who Northern Powerhouse thing - blame Brexit'.

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You say that as though I ought to care. I'm happy for you to demostrate to the world just what sort of a person you are.


Lack of knowledge has never stopped you commenting on anything. It has just stopped you commenting accurately.


You'll see that I asked a question, you can tell by the question mark.


Weren't you arguing against the meadowhall based station just a few pages ago?


But lack of comprehension has never stopped you commenting on anything, particularly if it's an opportunity to attack someone.

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Err... quite... That's why HS2 is happening. Or did you just miss the point of this thread? ;)


Well yes :) but its not being done for the sake of Sheffield-Birmingham travel, London is the driver behind everything.


Also I believe in the original plan, of the three tph Meadowhall was actually getting, only one of them was to go into Birmingham. The other two were slated to go to "Birmingham Interchange" which is at the point where the lines from the north west and the north east would meet (somewhere near where the NEC is), so a change would be needed to get into Birmingham proper. Further proof its not being done for the benefit of that commuter flow :)

Edited by Hambeast
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