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Campaign grows to switch the building of HS2 station to Sheffield city

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i don't want to get involved in an argument about whether or not hs2 is a good idea, but if you would like to object to the new route, please sign this petition. it was initially set-up for bramley (rotherham) but is now being shared as a more regional petition amongst facebook action groups etc. thanks....


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My view:

It's not a very good idea, and it's wildly expensive; but Sheffield must have a station if Leeds has one (and if it's ever built at all!)


Sheffield has 'messed it up' with the new proposed route. I doubt we will end up with a stop in this region now.


I really feel for the people in Bramley, as I would for anyone losing their home. This new route has only just missed the village we live in.


I can only see HS2 as being used to extend the commuter belt away from here not bring jobs to this region. I would love someone to prove (to me) that I'm wrong.

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But 'Sheffield' did not determine the route at any stage.


.....but they did a lot of campaigning / lobbying HS2 to change the route from Meadowhall. I dread to think how much money they spent keep visiting HS2 to put their case forward for a central station rather than Meadowhall.

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.....but they did a lot of campaigning / lobbying HS2 to change the route from Meadowhall. I dread to think how much money they spent keep visiting HS2 to put their case forward for a central station rather than Meadowhall.


£190,000 according to a recent FOI request.

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i don't want to get involved in an argument about whether or not hs2 is a good idea, but if you would like to object to the new route, please sign this petition. it was initially set-up for bramley (rotherham) but is now being shared as a more regional petition amongst facebook action groups etc. thanks....



Whilst I'm sure done with the best of intentions, I would question this petition. By objecting to the "new" route would suggest that the old route is acceptable. Either route is going to have the same extortionate waste of money and the same devastating effect on some homeowners/businesses/countryside etc. The proposed "new" route has merely moved the devastation from one area to another. I genuinely feel for the people of Bramley and all others who would be affected by the proposed new route but please spare a thought for the many who for the past 3 years lived under the blight posed by the old route and have battled tirelessly in opposing it. Great respect to them in that whilst they may now have a reprieve in view of the proposed new route, they continue to work hard in opposing HS2 on behalf of those newly affected. The only valid objection to HS2 is a petition for NO HS2 at all!

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Whilst I'm sure done with the best of intentions, I would question this petition. By objecting to the "new" route would suggest that the old route is acceptable. Either route is going to have the same extortionate waste of money and the same devastating effect on some homeowners/businesses/countryside etc. The proposed "new" route has merely moved the devastation from one area to another. I genuinely feel for the people of Bramley and all others who would be affected by the proposed new route but please spare a thought for the many who for the past 3 years lived under the blight posed by the old route and have battled tirelessly in opposing it. Great respect to them in that whilst they may now have a reprieve in view of the proposed new route, they continue to work hard in opposing HS2 on behalf of those newly affected. The only valid objection to HS2 is a petition for NO HS2 at all!


no it wouldn't mean that (see bold). The two routes at etotallt different in terms of numbers of people affected and cost etc.

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