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Why do some people blow all their money as fast as they can?

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Well it can be hard or even impossible for some people as you've admitted in your thread. We all have different strengths and weaknesses. Just because you can do something well doesn't mean everyone can. I bet there are things you can't do that others find easy. Some may sneer at you and say it's not rocket science.


Some people actually find rocket science easy.


I understand what you are saying. I`ve heard of Doctors, with their ability to do what they do and struggle with learning to drive a car. It is just that I think there must be something much deeper going on here. It is almost like behaving like a 6 year old child (The people I refer to are middle aged by the way). I just find it hard to get my head round it.

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Well it can be hard or even impossible for some people as you've admitted in your thread. We all have different strengths and weaknesses. Just because you can do something well doesn't mean everyone can. I bet there are things you can't do that others find easy. Some may sneer at you and say it's not rocket science.


Some people actually find rocket science easy.


Rocket science is easy. Hence why fireworks aren't really expensive.

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I remember a guy in the village years ago, went on a day trip to the coast. (He was also the type of person that was always skint soon after pay day). It was nearly time to come home. He said, "I`ve not spent anything-what can I buy". He didn`t need anything. Like I said there is more to it.

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Ever think that people who 'blow all their money as soon as they get it' might not have enough money to get them through the month? Wages are not rising to keep up with costs.


'It's not rocket science.' Well with a meagre budget, robbing Peter to pay Paul, juggling finances, having to decide whether to pay the bills or eat, etc. it can feel like rocket science...

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Impossible to tell from the 1st post whether this is the case, or whether they are simply bad at making financial decisions.


I read an interesting article about the poor and bad financial decisions though, I'll see if I can find it.


Worth reading, if a bit long, but it will probably explain a lot to Janus.




Another one, either by or about the same person I think;



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