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Over A Decade Away


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It is over 10 Years since I was last in Sheffield, now living in Hertfordshire and working in London.


I was looking on the web at how it has changed in just a short period of time, I knew quite a lot of Sheffield as I was a canvasser so saw lots of different parts of the great city, lived in a few places too.


I enjoy it down here in Herts but often remember what it was like back in sunny old Sheffield, remembering places like NoiseAnnoys where I use to buy most of my music and in the Corporation spending a fair few drunken nights.


for the wonderful people of Sheffield still there what do you think as changed in the most in the last 10 years?

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Still checking out on the Web and looks a lot different to how I remember, I take it the train and Bus station changed or maybe the images on the web are inaccurate?


---------- Post added 17-12-2015 at 12:35 ----------


and Park hill face lift as well, I worked down Ecclesall road near the Pomona Pub is that all as it was or changed with time?

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The whole front of the train station was remodelled.

The bus station hasn't changed in donkey's years.


The students at the club I teach will be going to Corp on Friday night, but it's not for me anymore, I'll go home after we leave Anchorage (which is in the East One complex, not sure if that's been there a decade now, might have been).

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Hertfordshire as its issues too, but I defiantly will be staying in Herts as my 3 children were born here, and Mrs family are close by too, so no plans to go back to Sheffield.


sedith - why do you view Sheffield so dimly and do you think you would miss it if you moved away?

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I cant believe Corporation is Still there some good good times in there!


Round the corner from the Dev Cat, not the original location on Corporation Street. That's been a hotel now for years.


---------- Post added 17-12-2015 at 12:47 ----------


Stay in Hertfordshire, nothing worth going to Sheffield for, the city degenerates with every year that passes.


Spoken with true bitterness, but no fact. :roll:

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sedith - why do you view Sheffield so dimly and do you think you would miss it if you moved away?


I have moved away and although I still have family there and we do visit quite often, I don't miss it at all. Its nothing like the fantastic city I grew up in.


I look on the forum to relive days long gone and enjoy the reminisces of the older generation of which I consider myself one now.


These days it is dirty and unsafe, Sheffield people have changed for the worse, litter everywhere, the only prolific shops are bookmakers and pawn brokers Once the steel industry went, the town centre lost its way and its soul. The Moor used to buzz with shoppers, but then pedestrianisation took hold and created vast no go areas like the Fargate and the Moor after dark. Beggars, drug addicts and street drinkers rule!


Sheffield had a bus network second to none, but the writing was on the wall with the ridiculously cheap subsidised fares, it was bound to come to an end, and no, you can't just blame Thatcher for that.


Why on earth move that ghastly market complex to the Moor from Waingate. Sheffield should be looking to attract a more selective shopper as Leeds do and they do it very well I reckon.

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