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Osborne gives his image adviser 42% pay rise

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As Children's an Adult services are being cut to the bone, Gideon Osborne has given his image adviser a 42% pay rise




Has anyone any thoughts?


This should be illegal. Look at all the other ridiculous wage hikes of his and Cameron's other advisers too. It is beyond hypocritical. If they rule that the public sector should get a pay freeze, as they have, then that should apply to ALL workers paid by the public purse - MPs included! They should have to pay any increases back over and above what has been decreed for the 'public sector'.


His advisors are already on a good salary, before this increase, in contrast with those providing frontline services.


Of course, his supporters will argue that he needs to attract and keep the best people for the job. It's a pity they don't think we deserve the best people to support our children in schools, and to treat us when we are sick.


Osborne and Cameron love austerity for the poor whilst they are spending, spending and spending on themselves. Another adviser, or airplane, anyone?

Edited by Hesther
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As Children's an Adult services are being cut to the bone, Gideon Osborne has given his image adviser a 42% pay rise




Has anyone any thoughts?


Man gets promotion and pay rise. What's exactly strange about that?


Didn't a similar thing happen to Jerremy Corbyn a few months back?

Edited by foxy lady
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I don't see why we should pay anything for these people. Their role is political, the relevant party should pay them not the taxpayer.


How does it work in real life? Does the party pay for Jeremy Corbyns, because he is not in power, but the party in power get their staff paid by the tax payer?

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How does it work in real life? Does the party pay for Jeremy Corbyns, because he is not in power, but the party in power get their staff paid by the tax payer?


I believe each party gets a pot of money to spend on researchers and advisors depending on the number seats won at the general election. It could be each MP gets an allowance I am not sure. But this was what kicked off when UKIP's MP refused to take his full allocation when their party leadership wanted to.

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Image is very important, Blair was seen in his white suit baptizing Murdochs sprogg in the River Jordan. The image of Saint Tony fills my heart with joy.


"Cool Brittania" where millions were spent entertaining very rich people from the arts, sports and other peripheral, but "cool" activities by the Labour party.


Mandelson hijacked the Red Rose symbol to improve Labours image in the 90s.

(This was not public money of course just members contributions and from the millionaire backers of the Labour party.


Wilsons free pipes and Gannex raincoats all acquired from corrupt people but assisting his "image".


The list goes on. George spending a few quid extra is neither here nor there, if you want profligacy, corruption, ineptness and sheer arrogant stupidity look no further than Labour.

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Image is very important, Blair was seen in his white suit baptizing Murdochs sprogg in the River Jordan. The image of Saint Tony fills my heart with joy.


"Cool Brittania" where millions were spent entertaining very rich people from the arts, sports and other peripheral, but "cool" activities by the Labour party.


Mandelson hijacked the Red Rose symbol to improve Labours image in the 90s.

(This was not public money of course just members contributions and from the millionaire backers of the Labour party.


Wilsons free pipes and Gannex raincoats all acquired from corrupt people but assisting his "image".


The list goes on. George spending a few quid extra is neither here nor there, if you want profligacy, corruption, ineptness and sheer arrogant stupidity look no further than Labour.


Except for when you've announced extended pay freezes for the public sector year on year, in which case it is hypocrisy of the highest order. Just like this.

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