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David Cameron's EU Demands.

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He's going to get some crumbs, but proclaim them as a great victory.


Some of the issues like free movement of people are non negotiable because they are at the centre of what the EU is about and the other members are quite happy with it.


Theres a realistic chance we will leave.

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The funny thing is that when you understand what he is asking, the only thing he is asking for is to get the EU to change British law, which he can do himself, and the other prime-ministers, rightfully, are annoyed about the whole kerfuffle he is causing and not interested in indulging the Tory-debate (which is uninformed and extremely partisan).


Have fun Dave, yet another self-dug grave opening up for you. (Nobody remember his '100,000' immigrants promise, even though he reiterated it even during the last election race? odd.)

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Care to explain this?


Sure, the first three points he asks for, out of the four, are symbolic nonsense already embedded in the treaties or in upcoming plans (More Competitiveness!!!! = TTIP for example). The fourth one (immigrant benefits) are only an issue because unlike most EU countries, in the UK you are automatically entitled to full benefits rather than there being a scale depending on contribution. All Cameron has to do is properly overhaul the benefits system, aka Welfare Reforms, aka what Georgey has been fiddling with since he got into office, and the problem goes away.


Cameron is literally not asking for anything other than hot air, and he is getting hot air, hence the other EU leaders saying: Oh, I don't know if we can do that! the truth is, most EU leaders couldn't care less about Cameron and his silly demands, what they do care about is the UK heading for a referendum that could upset their own voters, so they play along, Cameron produces a huff and puff statement that is based on hot air, problem solved.


Except it isn't, the UK is increasingly the black sheep of the family and quite a few EU politicians are beginning to stir behind the scenes, wondering out loud whether there is any actual point to trying to keep the UK in. That is in the whole shebang, not just the EU political machine by the way. (Sourced from a friend mightily close to the fire producing the hot air).

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