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David Cameron's EU Demands.

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David Cameron desperately wants to be seen as a great statesman, which he isn't. He will take every opportunity to make the Grand Gesture and try to appear to be the Saviour of GB. In fact he's not asking for very much at all but will still be lucky to get it. He's rubbed the EU up the wrong way with all his posturing and lies.


When he's failed miserably, he will come up with a suitable ponderous soundbite that will make him look like a great success, and he will repeat it ad infinitum until gullible people start to believe it.


We've seen it all before - it's how he operates.

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Like others said it isn't clear what he's actually demanding.


We can change our own benefits system and remove the migrant benefits issue and can do that without help from the EU.


The UK already has far tighter control over borders and immigration than most other EU countries. We're not in Schengen, we're opted out of asylum policies. Without the high levels of non-EU immigration we have our net immigration would be lower and more sustainable. Again, we have the power to improve that without help from the EU.


Everything else just about is subject to treaty change and he won't get that before the referendum.


He now has to prove he's actually done something when he hasnt. Cue more bluster and blatañt lies.

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