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More officers on the streets

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The 2 armed officers currently standing at Centretainment just now are definitely real. So are the weapons they are holding.


Ahh that will be for the over enthusiastic star wars fans fighting with there light sabres ! :)

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Today I had decided to take a stroll around the city centre in search of last minute Christmas shopping; as I was mooching around the Christmas Markets that are currently on Fargate I came face to face with a couple of police officers brandishing rifles as they patrolled.


This to me was quite a shocking sight; personally I find guns in a public place unnerving and unnecessary.


I have two questions:


1) Are we, the people of Sheffield under that much of a threat that needs highly visible armed patrols?


2) Does this normalisation of armed coppers up the ante meaning that the desperados who wouldn’t normally carry weapons decide that they should ‘tool up’ as well.


It was a bad sign of how society is shaping up, knocked the Christmas spirit right out of me.:o

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My partner and I approached the two armed officers at the bottom of Fargate today and asked why they were there.I have to give them credit, they were incredibly polite and more than happy to explain their presence was purely to reassure the public and to respond to local feedback that people felt unsettled following the Paris attacks. Also there are constant rumours people spread about potential attacks on places like Meadowhall (which also had armed police present) and these are completely unfounded yet creates a sense of unease and fear. The police we spoke to purely wanted people to feel safe, protected and were encouraging the public to approach them with any questions or concerns.

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My partner and I approached the two armed officers at the bottom of Fargate today and asked why they were there.I have to give them credit, they were incredibly polite and more than happy to explain their presence was purely to reassure the public and to respond to local feedback that people felt unsettled following the Paris attacks. Also there are constant rumours people spread about potential attacks on places like Meadowhall (which also had armed police present) and these are completely unfounded yet creates a sense of unease and fear. The police we spoke to purely wanted people to feel safe, protected and were encouraging the public to approach them with any questions or concerns.


I'm sure that they were lovely lads with all the best intentions but the effect of seeing guns in public made me feel uneasy and unsafe. The thought of a potential terrorist attack wasn't even a concern to me until I saw those guys.


Statistically speaking the chances of a full on terrorist attack on the Sheffield Christmas markets are minuscule, though it is good to know that the police are ready 'if necessary' but it should be measured and not flaunted in my opinion.

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I'm sure that they were lovely lads with all the best intentions but the effect of seeing guns in public made me feel uneasy and unsafe. The thought of a potential terrorist attack wasn't even a concern to me until I saw those guys.


Statistically speaking the chances of a full on terrorist attack on the Sheffield Christmas markets are minuscule, though it is good to know that the police are ready 'if necessary' but it should be measured and not flaunted in my opinion.


My point exactly when these officers can be doing something more constructive. We didnt feel unsafe till they started putting armed officers everywhere.

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