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UKIP without Farage, better or worse?

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But you've got to admit Farage is a terrific orator as leader of the party, and I doubt whether any other leader could receive the publicity he does.


The problem is he gets bad publicity. Donald Trump has got plenty of publicity but that doesn't make him the best choice as leader.

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UKIP are finished as a serious contender already

I think the 2015 general election will be seen as the high water mark of UKIP support.


Their failure in Oldham, following on from their failure to make any serious gains in the general election, will cause people to lose faith in them as a political force.

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Saying you need a new leader while refusing to stand for the job or suggest an alternative does look more like the actions of a troublemaker than someone trying to effect positive change.

There was a rift between Carswell and Farage when Carswell said the party could not justify taking over £3 million of taxpayers money to run the UKIP parliamentary offices when he was the only MP after this year's election. Farage wanted the party to take the cash to use for campaigning but eventually had to back down .


I think Nigel Farage's big mistake was not standing in the 2014 Newark by election when he missed the oportunity to become UKIP's first MP .

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Plank or not ,you cannot deny he is popular with ukippers.I think that ukip would sink fast without him,who would replace him?


Carswell's point is that Farage has taken UKIP so far but has hit his ceiling. He cited Farage's comments about immigrants with HIV and the moaning about postal votes at the Oldham by-election. These may play well with existing UKIP voters but won't appeal to anyone not already converted.


Carswell wants a more socially liberal appeal, which UKIP isn't going to go for. I can see him leaving UKIP but whether he'll want to go back to the Tories, and if they'd have him back, is to be seen.

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