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Drivers and Driving

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The car is a more dangerous item I accept, nay agree, but cyclists 2 abreast is dangerous in so many cases.


Yes, I've often had this worried thought;

"Oh no, what if one of those cycles crashed into me"... But then I realise, actually very little. Cycles aren't dangerous to anyone except the person riding them really, or maybe frail old ladies (who wouldn't be in the road I'd hope)...


Nope. Cyclists riding two abreast are not dangerous. Cars on the other hand, can be lethal, particularly with the wrong person behind the wheel. The sort who doesn't or can't respect other road users for example.

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Yes, I've often had this worried thought;

"Oh no, what if one of those cycles crashed into me"... But then I realise, actually very little. Cycles aren't dangerous to anyone except the person riding them really, or maybe frail old ladies (who wouldn't be in the road I'd hope)...


Nope. Cyclists riding two abreast are not dangerous. Cars on the other hand, can be lethal, particularly with the wrong person behind the wheel. The sort who doesn't or can't respect other road users for example.


Cyclists on the whole arent that much of an issue per se, but their actions and riding styles can affect others and cause danger to others but especially themselves.

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The car is a more dangerous item I accept, nay agree, but cyclists 2 abreast is dangerous in so many cases.


It is not dangerous unless drivers make it so. You could always hang back and wait for a few seconds; nobody is forcing you to overtake unsafely. If they are decent people the cyclists will notice and pull back into single file to let you pass. Yes, it is inconsiderate and frustrating if the cyclists are holding traffic up over a distance, but not inherently dangerous.

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It is not dangerous unless drivers make it so. You could always hang back and wait for a few seconds; nobody is forcing you to overtake unsafely. If they are decent people the cyclists will notice and pull back into single file to let you pass. Yes, it is inconsiderate and frustrating if the cyclists are holding traffic up over a distance, but not inherently dangerous.


Well indeed. You read the last few posts by me?

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Cyclists on the whole arent that much of an issue per se, but their actions and riding styles can affect others and cause danger to others but especially themselves.


Much like drivers then, but with less of the endangering others and more of themselves.

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People who sit at traffic lights with their foot on the brake blinding you really annoys me,especially a night time when its raining,some of these modern cars the brake lights are so bright and they have the lights at the top of the back window as well..I was waiting at the lights last night at the bottom of broadfield road practically every car had the brake lights on why can't they just take it out of gear and apply the handbrake its got to be common courtesy towards other drivers,another thing that annoys me is right turning drivers at traffic light junctions not moving up enough to allow the traffic to pass...

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