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When is enough, enough?

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It affects only 8% of kidnap victims.

The normal response would be to feign empathy as a means of protection.

When one genuinely feels it, that's a disorder.


It's really not terribly complicated.


PTSD is a natural response to trauma experienced by a minority of people subjected to it. It has similar roots in evolution. That doesn't stop it being a mental health problem.


Not all people are the same so the range of what can be considered normal for humans is very large. For example, the estimates for homosexuality range between 1.5% and 10% or the population, despite the fact that they are a very small minority group homosexuality is still normal human behaviour. Doing something that is normal can be seen by some as a problem that needs fixing when in reality it is just a normal response or behaviour, the fact that it is normal doesn't mean that it can't be changed, peoples normal behaviour can be modified so that they fit in with the majority.

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That's a very old trick. Counting number of incidents rather that number of casualties. If you count number of dead, Islam is leagues ahead of everybody else.

Here, here.


---------- Post added 06-02-2016 at 22:00 ----------


A religion that can cause some believers to do something so appalling as this:




Crazy :confused:

That is the country where a woman rape victim has to have several male witnesses if she can't then she's branded an adulteress and is likely to be stoned to death.


Religion of peace.


---------- Post added 06-02-2016 at 22:03 ----------


The problem is Islam because it is Islam and the examples set by Muhammad that the extremists are following


So true and it is growing.


---------- Post added 06-02-2016 at 22:07 ----------


Is it your contention that this alleged disproportionality is a product of the current geopoltical situation, or something inherent within Islam itself?


It's the spasmodic leap in quantum variodronics that eliminates the linear variant.

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Do some of you Islam bashers not realise that the way you are constantly bashing Islam day in day out may actually be helping the extremists recruit more people to their cause?

The extremists on some videos say that "the kaffir will never accept you so why bother trying" and here you are openly saying you don't like Islam/Muslims.

Well done, keep it up..

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Do some of you Islam bashers not realise that the way you are constantly bashing Islam day in day out may actually be helping the extremists recruit more people to their cause?

The extremists on some videos say that "the kaffir will never accept you so why bother trying" and here you are openly saying you don't like Islam/Muslims.

Well done, keep it up..


I like Muslims in general, but I don't like Islam.


I also like Christians in general, but I don't like Christianity.


However I worry far less about radical Christians wondering around killing people for political purposes. At least in the west.


I'm not prepared to adjust my words or behaviour based on the recruiting tactics of terrorists. They're not to be appeased in any way under any circumstances.


I've been meaning to ask:

Islam as I understand it calls upon Muslims to live their whole lives according to the will of their god. That being the case is it simply the nature of radical Islamic politics to spin every political conflict as a religious one?

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Do some of you Islam bashers not realise that the way you are constantly bashing Islam day in day out may actually be helping the extremists recruit more people to their cause?

The extremists on some videos say that "the kaffir will never accept you so why bother trying" and here you are openly saying you don't like Islam/Muslims.

Well done, keep it up..

So in Somalia, Kenya, Nigeria, Libya, Egypt, Syria, Pakistan, Bangladesh etc etc etc it is the none islamics who are troublesome?


---------- Post added 06-02-2016 at 22:37 ----------


Do some of you Islam bashers not realise that the way you are constantly bashing Islam day in day out may actually be helping the extremists recruit more people to their cause?

The extremists on some videos say that "the kaffir will never accept you so why bother trying" and here you are openly saying you don't like Islam/Muslims.

Well done, keep it up..

BTW Mayfa did you hear about the little 8 year old muslim child bride in Lebanon who died in agony and from loss of blood?

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Do some of you Islam bashers not realise that the way you are constantly bashing Islam day in day out may actually be helping the extremists recruit more people to their cause?

The extremists on some videos say that "the kaffir will never accept you so why bother trying" and here you are openly saying you don't like Islam/Muslims.

Well done, keep it up..


Extremists say it? 'Allah' says it in the koran. 3:118-3:120


So are extremists those who follow the koran?

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So I am now being pedantic because I disagree with you.


You should ask you religious friends what they believe will happen to you as a non believers after death and how it will be different for them. If they believe you will go to hell whilst they will go to heaven, you should then ask them if they think you deserve to go to hell. If they think you deserve it then want kind of friend are they, if they don't think you deserve it why would they worship an unjust God[/Quote]


No you're being pedantic because you're just saying things for the sake of it.


None of your above quote addresses the issue, and that is the claim that religious people are only religious because they are scared. What they believe will happen to anyone else is somewhat irrelevant to that claim.


I know the facts, I asked because it doesn't appear that you do[/Quote]


If you believe Buddhists are only religious because of a 'spiritual' Stockholm syndrome you clearly don't know. You couldn't possibly be further from knowing.


Yes its an opinion, normal human behaviour is very often described as a Psychiatric Disorder when in fact they are more often just normal psychological responses to a given situation.


There you go knowing more than the experts again. You're wealth of knowledge is mind boggling. In fact it's so immense that a mere mortal like me (especially one who is so limited by evidence and critical thinking) couldn't possibly continue this discussion with you.


Enjoy being the king of your hill.

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Extremists say it? 'Allah' says it in the koran. 3:118-3:120


So are extremists those who follow the koran?


Go and learn the meaning of historical context, the Koran also says kill the unbelievers but you don't see all Muslims trying to kill unbelievers do you? :rolleyes:

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No you're being pedantic because you're just saying things for the sake of it.


It looks to me that it is you saying things for the sake of it, calling me pedantic simply because you are unable to counter my point is saying something for the sake of it.



None of your above quote addresses the issue, and that is the claim that religious people are only religious because they are scared. What they believe will happen to anyone else is somewhat irrelevant to that claim.
And nothing you have said counters that opinion, you have a different opinion which you also can't prove.




If you believe Buddhists are only religious because of a 'spiritual' Stockholm syndrome you clearly don't know. You couldn't possibly be further from knowing.
This is not a counter argument to my opinion, it's just a demonstration that you are unable to present one, you have an opinion that you can't support so you just keep saying that I am wrong.



There you go knowing more than the experts again. You're wealth of knowledge is mind boggling. In fact it's so immense that a mere mortal like me (especially one who is so limited by evidence and critical thinking) couldn't possibly continue this discussion with you.


Enjoy being the king of your hill.


There you go again, no evidence or argument to support you own stance. just a demonstration of your intolerance of opinions that differ from your own.


---------- Post added 07-02-2016 at 07:55 ----------


Go and learn the meaning of historical context, the Koran also says kill the unbelievers but you don't see all Muslims trying to kill unbelievers do you? :rolleyes:


No one ever suggested that all Muslims are good Muslims, like most Christians they pick and choose the bits they like and dislike, the good Muslims are the problem, they are the Muslims that emulate Muhammad and do as God commands. Most Muslims just need to take that next step and condemn the actions of Muhammad and leave Islam, whilst they think he is the best example of humanity it leaves them open emulating him, and most people would find his actions abhorrent today.

Edited by sutty27
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Do some of you Islam bashers not realise that the way you are constantly bashing Islam day in day out may actually be helping the extremists recruit more people to their cause?


Islam must be open to critisism and ridicule just like any other religion.


The extremists on some videos say that "the kaffir will never accept you so why bother trying"




The Koran also says kill the unbelievers :rolleyes:


Thanks for clearing that up Mafya.

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