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When is enough, enough?

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I have an interest in religion, I also have an interest in people who claim to have seen ghosts and alien spacecraft.


Does that mean I believe in any of it? Not at all.


Does that stop me having friends who do? Not at all.


I thoroughly enjoy going out on a ghost hunting, in the same way I enjoy watching Sci Fi films, it doesn't mean that I believe Sci-fi films are real.


Fair enough cuz, just seemed funny to me is all.

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You really are a troll aren't you. I wouldn't be surprised if you were Mr Smith with your grandiose avoidance tactics.


I asked you for evidence to qualify your statement, that's not just saying your wrong, it's giving us substance to use as a starting point for an actual discussion rather than you just saying stuff. As I've already stated until you do that I can do nothing more than disagree because I've nothing to provide evidence against.


I've even provided you with an example you could use as evidence (just in case you're not sure) and yet your still just saying words.


If there is nothing to provide evidence against there can't be anything to disagree with, if you disagree with a statement, it could be just your opinion, or you could be disagreeing because you have factual evidence which disproved it. I will accept that it is just your opinion since you haven't provide any evidence which I think disproves my point.


You think you are right and I think I am right, the difference between us is that I accept that you have a different opinion, but you appear unable to accept that I have a different opinion, to you I must be trolling which is a demonstration of your intolerance of opinions that differ from your own.

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Maybe vBulletin could include a MrSmith filter as part of their next upgrades.



Yes I'm pretty sure this is Smiffy, too many hallmarks for it not to be.


Had to look up MrSmith, turn out their last activity was over 2 year ago, that begs the question how does GhostRider a member for less than a year know about MrSmith. :suspect:


A suspicious person might think JFKvsNixon and GhostRiders are the same person.



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Join Date: 27-09-2011

Total Posts: 8,010

Last Activity: 17-07-2013 22:07


Might be an idea to debate the topic instead of spreading unfounded gossip. Or is this derailing tactic when you can't support your own positions.

Edited by sutty27
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Had to look up MrSmith, turn out their last activity was over 2 year ago, that begs the question how does GhostRider a member for less than a year know about MrSmith. :suspect:


A suspicious person might think JFKvsNixon and GhostRiders are the same person.



Registered User

Join Date: 27-09-2011

Total Posts: 8,010

Last Activity: 17-07-2013 22:07


Might be an idea to debate the topic instead of spreading unfounded gossip. Or is this derailing tactic when you can't support your own positions.


You certainly know how to use the forum well for such a new user :)

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You certainly know how to use the forum well for such a new user :)


Using a forum isn't rocket science and they are all very similar.


---------- Post added 07-02-2016 at 15:18 ----------


Perhaps if posters were able to put forward their views sensibly and manage to keep discussions civil then they wouldn't find the need to create multiple sock puppet accounts?


Just saying.


Perhaps if posters were able to put forward their views sensibly and manage to keep discussions civil they wouldn't feel the need to make spurious accusation which ultimately lead to topics being closed.

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So we can take it you most definitely are Smiffy then.


I left for a while and couldn't remember my log in details so created a new account. Not rocket science is it?


I can support my position. When you provide some evidence for me to counter I'll have no problem doing so. Considering you've spent 4 (5?) posts saying the same thing instead of actually providing any quantification for your position we can safely assume you are trolling can't we.

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