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When is enough, enough?

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Sorry for the ambiguous title but it is the crux of the question.


When is enough, enough Islamic terrorism for he world to say there is an issue needs addressing.


Every week (it seems) there is some revelation about a person or group killing, attack or planning to attack none Muslims and Muslims alike, somewhere in the world.


When will there be enough Muslim terrorists for the world to say, "there is something fundamentally wrong with Islam"? And who makes this decision? History is littered with despots, tyrants and groups that could have been stopped but the world refused to accept there was a problem until it was too late. Is this were we are with Islam? or at least some sects within Islam?


Is the world too scared of being labelled racist to do anything until its too late?


We hear as a counter argument that the terrorists are not typical of Muslims on a whole. That they are only a tiny proportion of muslims or that they are not real muslims. But again, looking back in history, it is never the majority that have caused the huge historic incidents. It is always a minority, be they the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia, Imperial Japan or the Nazi Party in Germany. All were a minority controlling a majority and while this majority sat on its hands, heinous acts were carried out in their names.


Then we have the flip side of the argument. Where many Muslims will say that Israel is the problem in the middle east. Labelling an entire nation and its population as a problem caused by the actions of a few. However the irony of this statement is missed by most.


Some say that the only reason for Islamic terrorism in the west is due to our invasions of their lands in the past. Strange but how many who lived through through WWII remember German terrorism on foreign nations who took part in opposing the Nazi's such as we see today with Muslims?


Is it time a wedge was firmly pushed between the terrorists and their sympathisers or are they so integrated within Islam it would never work. If so, who can effect such a situation where terrorist sympathisers were hounded out of communities and shunned? Its certainty not something we as outsiders can do.


It seems to me that currently, terrorism is firmly in the hands of Islam, but Islam has the power and the ability to resolve this issue. Muslims need to take it upon themselves to protest and fight for the name of their religion as much as they fight for their religious rights.


I await the usual suspects to start the attack.


So, as a Christian, what have you done to stop terror attacks like the one at the ProLife clinic recently in the US?


Moderate Islam routinely denounces terrorist activity. What more are you expecting? Should your Muslim neighbour have to take up arms and go and fight against Daesh?

It seems that you want to hold Muslims to a higher standard than everyone else.


In bold at the end, nice attempt to paint anyone who disagrees with your extreme opinion as an "attacker".

It's a typical disingenuous way to defend a weak position. I expect you'll trot out "terrorist sympathisers" at some point as well.


---------- Post added 18-12-2015 at 15:50 ----------


I may be wrong, but I believe the world has said there is an issue needs addressing.


I'd agree with this. Isn't it an ongoing thing... I think the OP specifically wants Muslims to do more though, although what exactly I'm not sure.

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No but you are mis-quoting me there. I asked how long before the world asks the question. (I have added speech marks to avoid confusion).


The world has asked and answered the question is there something fundamentaly wrong with some interpretations of islam. Yes there clearly is. Hence most countries are engaging in fighting islamic terrorists.

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I don't think religion was the driving force behind the Irish "troubles"..


Neither is religion the driving force behind the current rash of terrorism.


Someone, somewhere is funding them and they must be expecting a return on their investment and they're using religion as a cover.

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Neither is religion the driving force behind the current rash of terrorism.


Someone, somewhere is funding them and they must be expecting a return on their investment and they're using religion as a cover.


Thats utter nonsense. David Ikke territory.

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Neither is religion the driving force behind the current rash of terrorism.


Someone, somewhere is funding them and they must be expecting a return on their investment and they're using religion as a cover.


Who,where? so this caliphate thing is all hogwash ,nothing to do with islam then,thanks for that information.

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I don't think religion was the driving force behind the Irish "troubles"..


Sorry to disagree with you on this point, but I think the Catholic v Protestant had much to do with it. Obviously it was not the whole story involving the "troubles" but it did play a part in it.



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Sorry to disagree with you on this point, but I think the Catholic v Protestant had much to do with it. Obviously it was not the whole story involving the "troubles" but it did play a part in it.




Booting the brits out of NI was the real intention,religion was a side issue.

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Sorry to disagree with you on this point, but I think the Catholic v Protestant had much to do with it. Obviously it was not the whole story involving the "troubles" but it did play a part in it.




That was the pretence the IRA went under, But the top men in the then so called ira was out and out gangster's and nothing to do with religion.


But to answer the op yes i am a firm believer in stopping the terrorist before they fet any bigger.

Edited by kidley
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Sorry for the ambiguous title but it is the crux of the question.


When is enough, enough Islamic terrorism for he world to say there is an issue needs addressing.


Every week (it seems) there is some revelation about a person or group killing, attack or planning to attack none Muslims and Muslims alike, somewhere in the world.


When will there be enough Muslim terrorists for the world to say, "there is something fundamentally wrong with Islam"? And who makes this decision? History is littered with despots, tyrants and groups that could have been stopped but the world refused to accept there was a problem until it was too late. Is this were we are with Islam? or at least some sects within Islam?


Is the world too scared of being labelled racist to do anything until its too late?


We hear as a counter argument that the terrorists are not typical of Muslims on a whole. That they are only a tiny proportion of muslims or that they are not real muslims. But again, looking back in history, it is never the majority that have caused the huge historic incidents. It is always a minority, be they the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia, Imperial Japan or the Nazi Party in Germany. All were a minority controlling a majority and while this majority sat on its hands, heinous acts were carried out in their names.


Then we have the flip side of the argument. Where many Muslims will say that Israel is the problem in the middle east. Labelling an entire nation and its population as a problem caused by the actions of a few. However the irony of this statement is missed by most.


Some say that the only reason for Islamic terrorism in the west is due to our invasions of their lands in the past. Strange but how many who lived through through WWII remember German terrorism on foreign nations who took part in opposing the Nazi's such as we see today with Muslims?


Is it time a wedge was firmly pushed between the terrorists and their sympathisers or are they so integrated within Islam it would never work. If so, who can effect such a situation where terrorist sympathisers were hounded out of communities and shunned? Its certainty not something we as outsiders can do.


It seems to me that currently, terrorism is firmly in the hands of Islam, but Islam has the power and the ability to resolve this issue. Muslims need to take it upon themselves to protest and fight for the name of their religion as much as they fight for their religious rights.


I await the usual suspects to start the attack.


Get used it because it won't change, even trying to discuss the cause and solution causes conflict.


---------- Post added 18-12-2015 at 22:14 ----------


So, as a Christian, what have you done to stop terror attacks like the one at the ProLife clinic recently in the US?


How do you know that Berberis is a Christain?


Which scriptures and examples from the life of jesus did the Christains use to justyfy their actions?

Edited by betterman
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