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Immigrant violence at calais putting lives at risk

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The calais situation seems to have been left to fester for too long and now poses a real threat to our commercial links with the continent.


The violent people attacking lorrys actually pose more of a direct threat to our interests than the likes of deash/keith in syria and need dealing with robustly in my view.

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Someone having their windscreen smashed is more of a threat than a worldwide terrorist organisation that has tens of thousands of armed fighters,has already killed UK citizens and continues to prepare acts of violent terror within the UK? That would seem a pretty direct threat to me.

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Haulage costs go up as goods have to go via different routes, loads are spoiled etc. I'm not saying IS are not a threat but in terms of impact on the average Brit these people are causing more problems. We have expended a load of munitions on IS but the only calais mob that have been dealt with are by accident.

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Haulage costs go up as goods have to go via different routes, loads are spoiled etc. I'm not saying IS are not a threat but in terms of impact on the average Brit these people are causing more problems. We have expended a load of munitions on IS but the only calais mob that have been dealt with are by accident.


Do you have any basis for how much money this violence/disruption problem has caused the UK and then compare that with the cost and impact of operations against ISIS?


We havent really expended a load of munitions on ISIS, we only had 8 planes out there before the strikes on Syria. We are a small part.


It might be a growing problem, but I expect its nowhere in the same league as ISIS. the Frencg routinely end up bloccking the Tunnel and ports for days when they wnat soemthing to strike over.

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Do you have any basis for how much money this violence/disruption problem has caused the UK and then compare that with the cost and impact of operations against ISIS?


We havent really expended a load of munitions on ISIS, we only had 8 planes out there before the strikes on Syria. We are a small part.


It might be a growing problem, but I expect its nowhere in the same league as ISIS. the Frencg routinely end up bloccking the Tunnel and ports for days when they wnat soemthing to strike over.


We are failing to defend a key route for goods and people into the UK is the point. We spent a few million on fencing but we have not proactively dealt with a single one of these violent invaders in calais, its luck if the draw when they die. There seems to be no real plan to stop them, just hope enough get minced by the eurostar that they go away which clearly isn't happening..

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We are failing to defend a key route for goods and people into the UK is the point. We spent a few million on fencing but we have not proactively dealt with a single one of these violent invaders in calais, its luck if the draw when they die. There seems to be no real plan to stop them, just hope enough get minced by the eurostar that they go away which clearly isn't happening..


You made a statement that you believe they pose a bigger threat than ISIS.

The article you posted was about someone having a windscreen smashed and drivers feeling a bit unsafe.


Im just asking is there anything to back up or quantify just how big a problem this is if it is one at all? I'd be more worried about people plotting to plant bombs than an immigrant trying to smuggle aboard a lorry. It may in future becoem a more serious problem but im not seeing its anywhere near the threat to UK interests that ISIS pose

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You made a statement that you believe they pose a bigger threat than ISIS.

The article you posted was about someone having a windscreen smashed and drivers feeling a bit unsafe.


Im just asking is there anything to back up or quantify just how big a problem this is if it is one at all? I'd be more worried about people plotting to plant bombs than an immigrant trying to smuggle aboard a lorry. It may in future becoem a more serious problem but im not seeing its anywhere near the threat to UK interests that ISIS pose


They are impeding a key trade route, something isis have not managed. The disruption of trade figures are in the billions. But we have not taken any military action at all. Its putting the cart before the horse, we should be hitting this threat ahead of random syria based people. The violent migrants pose a more real threat to us.

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Yes by immigrants no longer supported by the taxpayer trying to get out.


You seem to have missed the point; if we leave the EU then our fellow European countries will have no need to keep camps on mainland soil. They will just turn a blind eye and let us handle our own borders.


Plus, do you think, despite there being absolutely no evidence, that people are trying to get into the UK for our benefits?

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