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Immigrant violence at calais putting lives at risk

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Cheap and nasty with it. You'd keep children away from their families just to satisfy your own small mindedness. As for reports, if you're thick enough to break the rules at least grow a spine and take responsibility for your own failings and stop trying to blame others. Cheers.


Talking of responsibility, I'm interested to know how 3,000 unaccompanied children wind up in The Jungle in Calais.

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Cheap and nasty with it. You'd keep children away from their families just to satisfy your own small mindedness. As for reports, if you're thick enough to break the rules at least grow a spine and take responsibility for your own failings and stop trying to blame others. Cheers.


Why are you being so rude fish man? You are quite often nasty to those with whom you disagree.


Not everyone agrees with your view on the economic migrants in Calais. Just understand that people have different opinions.

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Talking of responsibility, I'm interested to know how 3,000 unaccompanied children wind up in The Jungle in Calais.


They must be very fit these kids, eh? Toddling all the way from Syria to Calais on their own, it's incredible.


Literally incredible as in unbelievable, because that's what it is. As soon as cute toddler Yasmina gets allowed in all of a sudden mummy and daddy will appear, then using the "family reunification" card here comes grandma and grandad and Uncle Abdul Tom Cobley and all.

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Talking of responsibility, I'm interested to know how 3,000 unaccompanied children wind up in The Jungle in Calais.

It's no good asking the open borders brigade questions like that.

They have no solutions, apart from vilifying anyone who disagrees with them.

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They are.


We should let them in and process them properly. It really wouldn't hurt anyone.


That is exactly what Germany did and that is a very successful way of loosing control of the situation.


They would be processed in Calais as that is where UK border agency check everyone,s passport before boarding a ferry or train.



The Calais camp as been in existence over 10 years but I have never heard any reports of anyone being there for years and going through Calais several times a year you do notice the change in different nationalities over the years.

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Me too,where are the parents or at least the people who brought them to Calais? Disappeared into thin air it would seem.


They'll appear soon enough if we let the 'children' (who seem to have an average age of about 24) in, demanding their golden family reunification ticket and free life courtesy of the British taxpayer.

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The reason some refugees are keen to come to the U.K., despite our dismal weather and benefits system, is because many have family already here, or because they speak fluent English and assume that will make it easier for them to find work and integrate.

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