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Immigrant violence at calais putting lives at risk

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The fact is that you are deluded.


You've been pushing your veiled racist agenda on here for years and years. You are the proverbial broken record.


Here is some real information. Most people in the UK beleieve that migrants come here to work and to contribute to our society. Anyone with two eyes and a functional IQ can see that. Have a bit of polling data to chew on too (Warning: Contains a link to the Pinko Guardian)


Your 'proof' is a 2 year old guardian article?


Seriously? You let them all in people are the enemies of left and right. You were wrong, have the guts to admit it.

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The fact is that you are deluded.


You've been pushing your veiled racist agenda on here for years and years. You are the proverbial broken record.


Here is some real information. Most people in the UK beleieve that migrants come here to work and to contribute to our society. Anyone with two eyes and a functional IQ can see that. Have a bit of polling data to chew on too (Warning: Contains a link to the Pinko Guardian)


The fact is that polls depend on who is asked,so you are just as deluded to believe them,they are ok as a rough guide but are not 100% right.

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The fact is that most people in this country (and most of Europe) believe they are incompatible and don't want them here. People like you have spent years trying to persuade them they are wrong but the concerns are now even stronger and shared by even more people. Your tactic has failed and it isn't going to work any better as the problems associated with the ongoing mass migration continue to hurt.


You and your ilk may believe your views are more righteous but you need to wake up to the fact that it is time to concede defeat. The march towards nationalism and violence is moving apace and, if we don't stop mass immigration from these dysfunctional countries, then we are going to end up in a far darker place. It is time to cut the losses.


Brilliantly put

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The fact is that you are deluded.


You've been pushing your veiled racist agenda on here for years and years. You are the proverbial broken record.


Here is some real information. Most people in the UK beleieve that migrants come here to work and to contribute to our society. Anyone with two eyes and a functional IQ can see that. Have a bit of polling data to chew on too (Warning: Contains a link to the Pinko Guardian)


You seem to have linked to the wrong article as the one entitled

British attitudes harden towards immigrants
says the exact opposite.


You are Seamus Milne and I claim my 50p.

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The fact is that you are deluded.


You've been pushing your veiled racist agenda on here for years and years. You are the proverbial broken record.


Here is some real information. Most people in the UK beleieve that migrants come here to work and to contribute to our society. Anyone with two eyes and a functional IQ can see that. Have a bit of polling data to chew on too (Warning: Contains a link to the Pinko Guardian)


You cherry pick the one stat from the article that you think in you favour... and even then you have to embellish it. The article says 50% of people believe the main reason migrants come here is for work. There was no element to the question about 'contribution', which you have added to make it sound better. The fact is that they may contribute but low paid workers (as most will be) do not make a positive financial contribution and therefore cost us a lot of money to support over a lifetime.


It is also true that you can believe migrants come for work and still think their cultural baggage is incompatible with our way of life. It also true that you can believe they come here for work but don't want them to come here for work.


You will cling on to the tiniest thread of hope to maintain your delusion state. You are simple wrong... most people don't want them here and they want this mass immigration nightmare to stop. Trying to silence the protest by labelling those who speak out as racist is both pathetic and unsuccessful. The shift to the right is happening apace and it is being driven by people like you. It is time you and you ilk back down because you steer us on a path taking us to a far darker place.

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The tactic of trying to label concerns about unselective mass immigration as racist, even Nazi-like, has failed... why keep doing it?


If it was couched as a genuine concern about unselective mass immigration then I would've responded appropriately.


---------- Post added 27-01-2016 at 08:04 ----------


Incompatibles is all my own work. Given the unfolding events I think its on the kind side.


You say that as if you are proud :huh:

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Todays manufactured faux outrage bus excursion about the poor mites is brought to you by the Labour party.


Personally for the criminals in Calais I think 'bunch of migrants' is ridiculously polite.

So, the correspondent is horrified when they get out of the Westminster bubble to see how anti immigration people are. Probably needs to get out more then.

I expect when the BBC is reporting this, the voice will drop an octave,and the bottom lip will tremble, I've even heard them playing sad music behind their reports.

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The migrants in Calais are intent on entering the UK illegally as they do not have to have an I.D card to obtain work here unlike most of the EU.


It as been said already that you cannot blame them if the system allows them to break the law and then disappear into the black economy, but they must think it is worth the risk with them not being able to apply to enter legally through the proper channels.


There as most likely been a steady trickle entering the UK regularly as most weeks there is reports of some being caught or seen alighting from the back of vehicles, and the authorities only seem to take action when the groups get larger in the number of people attempting to gain entry to the U K

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