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Immigrant violence at calais putting lives at risk

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The fact is that you are deluded.


You've been pushing your veiled racist agenda on here for years and years. You are the proverbial broken record.


Here is some real information. Most people in the UK beleieve that migrants come here to work and to contribute to our society. Anyone with two eyes and a functional IQ can see that. Have a bit of polling data to chew on too (Warning: Contains a link to the Pinko Guardian)


How would you know? You only joined in Nov 2015, (unless you've been stalking through his posts) Weird or what.

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How would you know? You only joined in Nov 2015, (unless you've been stalking through his posts) Weird or what.


Don't worry about him. His is just another monodimensional right-on'er... 'if you oppose unselective mass migration then you are racist'!!


Such people have a perverse idea of how democracy should work. They believe in applying an 'opinion validation test' before accepting public opinion. This test basically consists of checking whether the opinion concurs with their own and it it doesn't it fails the validation test. By excluding invalid opinion they are then able to calculate that most people in this country support mass immigration, believe Islam is compatible with Western values and that migrant hospital porters living in London are making a positive financial contribution to the economy.

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Don't worry about him. His is just another monodimensional right-on'er... 'if you oppose unselective mass migration then you are racist'!!


Such people have a perverse idea of how democracy should work. They believe in applying an 'opinion validation test' before accepting public opinion. This test basically consists of checking whether the opinion concurs with their own and it it doesn't it fails the validation test. By excluding invalid opinion they are then able to calculate that most people in this country support mass immigration, believe Islam is compatible with Western values and that migrant hospital porters living in London are making a positive financial contribution to the economy.




Would you like vinegar with those chips?

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Would you like vinegar with those chips?


Yep, same monodimensional tactic. Invalidate the views you don't agree with and/or have no counter argument to... It's a chip on the shoulder, it's racism, it's just hate. Phew.


Go on... try and give a straight answer. Do you think we need to respect the will of the majority when it comes to immigration (less of it, more selective)? If not, why not? And if not, how do you prevent the anger and frustration this causes from turning into a backlash?

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Billions of humans on a planet that at best supports a few million recipe for disaster.

War zones,Iraq,Syria,Afghanistan all funded by IMF(USA and its Allies) the struggle to keep capitalism afloat by piling more debt onto developing countries.

Russia is the only country that has bombed ISIS arms cashes.....why havent USA and its allies bombed these first? Why? have the russians had to take the lead in destroying ISIS? and at the same time,push Turkey back from its intended invasion of Syrian territories? Who backs Turkey?

Edited by staninoodle
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Cracking advice from Finlands police for the ladys on how to sort out newly arrived rapey sorts unwanted advances.


Useful as oven glove based jedi mind tricks undoubtably are I'd personally recommend taking a self defence course, krav maga being my personal fave but any practical street oriented course is better than this nonsense.

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