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Immigrant violence at calais putting lives at risk

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No he isnt.

Theres are some rules between EU countries about which country should hear a claim, but these are not really enforced and about to be abandoned.

Individuals can seek asylum in whatever country they wish to as longa s they havent registered.


Well don't you think they want to claim in what country is more beneficial to themselves,must be UK.

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Anyone else any useful info as I'm driving through the Tunnel towards Folkstone on Friday morning (car not lorry). Sheesh :(
I very much doubt the local authorities would somehow let refugees manage to block the 3-lane, high-traffic density A26, and you'll be within the razorwire perimeter after the ticket booths (which have plenty of armed/riot police ambling around this time of year) to which the A26 goes directly (via a high elevated exit ramp).


I wouldn't worry.


But perhaps avoid stopping in, or filling up at, the Leclerc in the commercial centre at the back, that's not fenced and I can't ever remember seeing much police about. I've never seen any trouble or nefarious types there, nor have my parents, in the many times we've both been and stopped to fuel up before coming over/back to UK, but if the asylum/refugee situation is particularly bad at the moment...safety first.


Travel through the tunnel is by car-transporting train btw, you ain't gonna be "driving through it" ;)

Edited by L00b
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Well don't you think they want to claim in what country is more beneficial to themselves,must be UK.


Only a small fraction of the asylum seekers want to come to the UK. The amount we take in actual numbers or based upon our relative size is much lower down the rankings compared to other countries. Oc they decide where they want to claim and for those at calais its the UK thye have chosen.

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We need to stop giving asylum to people breaking the law to get here. We are rewarding criminal activity.


Look at it this way. If you steal an item from a shop worth £1,000, but when you are caught you have £1,000 in your pocket. You are not let off if you pay the £1,000 to the retailer. You still committed a crime and are punished. The punishment for illegally entering the UK is deportation. This should be what happens.

Edited by Berberis
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I very much doubt the local authorities would somehow let refugees manage to block the 3-lane, high-traffic density A26,


They do. I had similar last week at 3am.


Well I say they do, but really when you have a gang of people hiding behind the barriers they can sling a tree over the road, swarm a few lorries and be gone by the time the gendarmes arrive.


Saw one lorry driver who clearly had enough and he just aimed directly at them and tromped on the gas. They moved pretty quickly.

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