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Why isn't this classed as a terrorist attack?

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I'm going to leave this thread closed for a few minutes after writing this. Just to give people chance to read this warning.


Attacking other members based on their religion is in really poor form.

Posting bait material to get a rise out of other members is also in poor taste.


This will not be tolerated. I do not believe that the OP was posting this to bait anyone. If you can't post anything that is helpful, attacking or baiting. Then please don't post in this thread.


If this continues, then suspensions will be handed out.

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Why do you say he wasn't suspected of being a muslim? Was he the wrong colour in your view?


You do know Liam Neeson is a muslim don't you?


Did you know George osbornes brother is also a Muslim?

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It all comes down to motivation. Terrorists are non-government organisations that use weapons to further their political agenda.


I'm not sure this bloke had a political agenda, but if he did then it's attempted terrorism. If he didn't then it's attempted arson. Simple really.


The only other non-government organisation that uses weapons to further its political agenda is the IRA (legacy IRA?) that have been planting the occasional bomb and occasional shooting.

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There must be a thing with George's as George Galloway is a white Muslim too and everyone knows what a jolly old fellow he is :rolleyes:


Regarding the original post, you're saying that because this guy is white it's not been reported as a terrorist attack so am I to presume that you're saying that it should have been?


So if he was a white Christian for example then you would consider him to be a Christian Terrorist!


....... yet you keep telling us that just because some Muslim decides to blow up a bus, a building or behead a British soldier then he shouldn't be considered a Muslim Terrorist as he's not a good or true Muslim?


Make up your mind

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