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Family law solicitors??

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Anyone know which family law solicitors would be recommended??? Someone that means business and not this marlarki crap.


What are you talking about?


If you want some sensible answers try submitting a sensible post.


What sort of family advice are you seeking? Children involved? Property?


Solicitors will act in the best interests of their own client on the basis of the evidence and instructions they are provided with. Its down to the client to give them all the information they need to make the best case possible. They are there to provide you with the advice you need to know. The advice they give you may not be what you want to hear - but so be it. Its their job to provide you with the FACTS and represent on the best case scenario.


There is no bias here. Its what makes them legal professionals. Every single case will always have a party with a favourable outcome over another. That's how it works. It will down to the Judge to make that call.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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